Chapter 7 ~ Lunchtime debates

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As Cas arrived to school the next morning, he watched the sky slowly turn blue. He and his brothers had arrived early, for once. Though, that was only because Gabriel had stayed up all night marathoning The Office and was thus awake when Lucifer went to wake him up.

Gabriel had passed out asleep in the van on the ride to school, and Lucifer decided to jumpscare him awake, which resulted in Gabriel sprinting after Lucifer, who jumped out of the parked van and bolted into school.

The school was half empty, with students arriving in drones from the buses. Cas simply walked to his Sociology class, admiring how quiet the halls were.


Gabriel had stayed up all night marathoning The Office, as he decided to do so on a whim. When Lucifer went to wake him up, Gabriel simply got himself dressed and dragged himself downstairs, collapsing into a seat at the table.

"Were you up all night?" Chuck asked. Gabriel nodded sleepily, and Chuck raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I marathoned The Office." Gabriel responded, and Chuck blinked.

"Alright then." He stated, taking a sip of his coffee. Becky slammed a plate of waffles in front of Gabriel, startling him awake.

"Eat." She ordered, and Gabriel began pouring syrup on his waffles, only stopping when Becky forcibly took the syrup out of his hands.

Gabriel shoved the waffles into his mouth as his brothers and sisters slowly began waking up and coming downstairs. By 6:15 am, everyone was awake, dressed and eating.

"When is your party starting on Friday?" Chuck questioned, staring at Lucifer.

"8 o'clock exactly." Lucifer informed, and Chuck just nodded.

"Alright. Your Aunt did ask for me to go over and visit, so Becky and I will leave at 4 on Friday and be back at 10 am Saturday." Chuck explained. "And we'll be taking your sisters with us."

Lucifer and Balthazar just nodded.

At 6:45 am, all of the Novak brothers were ready and had all their things packed up for school. Cas, Gabriel, Samandriel, Balthazar and Lucifer all climbed into Lucifer's van, and drove to school. While the brothers walked through the halls, many of the people they passed asked Balthazar and Lucifer about the party. Eventually, Cas, Gabriel and Samandriel just walked off to class, leaving Balthazar and Lucifer to tend to their "fans".


Lunch came rather quickly for Cas, not that he cared. He loved lunch time, mainly because you could eat and never had to do any work.
Lucifer, Balthazar and Michael were already at the table when Cas sat down, Gabriel right behind him.

"So you're definitely having the party this Friday right?" Michael was asking.

"Of course, Michael, when do we ever not have the party on the first Friday of the school year?" Lucifer scoffed.

"Be nice to your boyfriend Luci." Balthazar commented.

"Michael's NOT my boyfriend!" Lucifer cried angrily.

"So you say." Balthazar articulated, giving Lucifer a 'mhm sure' look. The entire Novak family knew Lucifer was dating Michael in secret, and they loved to get a rise out of him by teasing him about it. There were rumors about it, but no one but the Novaks dared to say anything about it, not even the most homophobic students. No one dared to mess with Lucifer Novak, else risk their life.

"What snacks are you bringing to the party?" Cas interjected, hoping to shift Lucifer's attention to something else.

"Oh, well..." Lucifer began, as he started listing off the entire snack list, along with the music playlist and decoration list.

"Oh, before Luci over here forgets," Balthazar interrupted, "You all can give three song recommendations for the music playlist."

Balthazar then took out a few sticky notes and handed one to Cas, one to Gabriel and one to Michael. "Remember, it has to be a party-ish song, so preferably something upbeat, dancy. Like uh, that song Just Dance that used to be all over the radio."

"Just Dance was trash." Lucifer stated, and Balthazar feigned a horrified gasp.

"Just Dance was a good song, Luci!" Balthazar stated defensively. "And Lady Gaga is amazing."

"She's awful." Lucifer snapped back.

"Don't disrespect the woman who sang Born This Way, Lucifer." Gabriel retorted, glaring daggers at Lucifer, who sat with a smug smirk on his face.

Lucifer's music taste tended to be the complete opposite of everyone in his entire family. Of course, the Novaks suspected this was simply to piss them off by blaring his music at all times.

Lucifer, Gabriel and Balthazar spent the entirety of lunch period arguing over singers and bands while Cas and Michael bonded over tumblr and watching Lucifer, Gabriel and Balthazar rip each other apart. By the time lunch was over, Lucifer, Gabriel and Balthazar had declared war on each other, while Michael and Cas just watched, sighing exasperatedly.

I'm already done with the party chapter, I'm just spacing chapters out a bit so I don't dump like 5 chapters on you guys in one night. Plus, it keeps me ahead with my writing.
Anyhow, I'll probably have next chapter up on Saturday or so, depending on whether this friend of mine comes over (Or I go over to his house)
I'll see you next chapter!
~ Liz

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