14 | I Hate You

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A/N: HOLY S-H-I-T 500 READERS ALREADY!? Guys I just started this story.....this is insane! Thank you so so so so so much! <3

It was easier to just lie, that's what I did when Fangs' asked me how much I remembered. I said; "I don't remember much, only the party after that, nothing".

I lied, I remember the kiss, me admitting that I like him, but the fact that I said I couldn't remember, made him not mention it.

"So, I'll get going. I'm sorry for crashing here, I just lost it" I apologise again. "Yeah—then you should stop taking those pills" Fangs retorted slightly angry.

"Hey! You don't know anything! You see me take them and you assume the worst!" I hiss and Fangs nostrils flares in anger. "Then tell Why you take them" Fangs snapped.

"Because I can't sleep! I don't want to sleep! I have night terrors! My past keeps coming and hunting me! And now all of this shit going around, it makes it worse!" I exclaim and grip my hair before crossing my arms.

"Pills doesn't help night terrors. I tried that myself, it helps talking and explaining it, then after you've talked about it, you distract yourself with something" Fangs tells me, the way he says it, tells me he has tried it and it was as bad as mine, possibly worse.

"What happened to you?" I ask. "I'll tell if you tell" Fangs says and we sit down again and I sigh.

"Then you're gonna now a lot about my past, which I was hoping to keep away from everyone here" I say ashamed. He will hate me after this. "Try me" Fangs says and I sigh before taking a deep breath.

"Fine, as you probably noticed I'm partying a lot, one time it went wrong and a guy tried to...do things to me while I was affected by drugs and alcohol...." I start and trail off.

"I-I couldn't stop him, then my best friend went in and saw it, he got him off and then I never saw the guy again, everyone who ever tried to do something to me—as much as even kissing me—disappeared and was never seen again. My dad made all those people disappear, I don't know where they go or what he does to them, he's in jail now, so I can't blackmail it out of him" I say and pause.

"I started dealing drugs myself, to get back at my dad for making a flirt disappear after he saw us together, I got in trouble and I was caught by some angry buyers. They left me bleeding out on the street, I was found and saved in last moment. My dad then one day got caught in the wrong business action and FBI bursted into our house during dinner, my moms screamed and I did too....—" I trail off and clench my eyes shut at the haunting memory.

"My dad reached down to put his napkin on the table and they thought he was hiding a gun or a weapon—so they shot him in the shoulder and then they took him to jail, I haven't visited him, but that memory haunts me every day, in fear of him coming back stronger than before—his comebacks are always stronger and fiercer" I explain and Fangs eyes widen a bit.

"My mom was an alcoholic before that too—she had a miscarriage a few years back that caught her and she started drinking, multiple days I saw her laying on the couch passed out, sometimes it was weeks before I saw my mom awake in daylight" I tell him.

"3 weeks before my dad were arrested, my mom became sober, she's stronger now, but now she's never home, she turned into a workaholic. She's always travelling with her business. I never see her, some days I get a text saying she's home—then the next day I get another text saying she's gone to NYC and she'll be back in a few days" I finish. I didn't need to tell him about being a Serpent. At least not yet.

"I get you have night terrors" Fangs mumbled and looked down. I wiped my teary eyes and looked up at Fangs. "Your turn" I say and Fangs look up and into my eyes.

"Well, to start off with my parents died a few years ago, my cousin took me in, he was in the army and had just returned when he got the news. I lived with him, he was also a Serpent, so I became one too. It was a car crash with my parents, I was in the car when it happened, they yelled at each other and forgot I was in the back. Then the truck came and I was pulled out of the crashed car, I made it, but they didn't" he explains and trails off, I gasp in silence and put my hand on his shoulder to show i'm here.

"My cousin was my only hope if I didn't want to end up in a foster home, so he took me in and now I'm here, my night terrors stopped 2 years ago, I took pills like you but—I didn't just pass out or couldn't stand on my feet. I almost got an overdose, it was pretty bad. FP and Tall Boy found me and rushed to get me to the hospital. That's when they started taking me closer to their gang and started paying attention to me"

"Sure I was a member—but they didn't think it was a suitable reason for me to be a Serpent because my cousin was" Fangs explained and I leaned my head on his shoulder and took his shaking clenched hand in mine and he unclenched it, I laced our fingers as silent tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve all of that, you're so great, I could never imagine you going through all of that" I say and my lip trembles a bit.

"I can't believe what you've gone through, you just seem like a rich bitch with no regrets or pasts" Fangs blurted out and I chuckled. "I learned from the best" I say and mentally add; Cheryl Blossom.

"So, now that we've gotten all deep into each other's business, I want you to know, that if you tell anyone about this, I'm going to hunt you down" Fangs threaten and I nod.

"Same, ruin my fantastic reputation and I'll kill you" I say and he knows I don't mean it. Fangs sighs and lifts his head to mine, without a warning he crash his lips onto mine and I kiss back, I want him to kiss me like that every damn day.

"I lied" I mumble as we pull away to get a quick pause. "I know" Fangs mumble and connects our lips again. "I do like you, a lot" I tell him as I pull away to get air again.

"I know that too—I hate you so much that I like you" Fangs mumble and I pull him back into a kiss and run my hands through his soft hair.

A/N: Kinda dramatic—romantic chapter....or not. Tell me what you think!

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