8 | Bathroom Comforts

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Another party and its on a school night, again. I knew I would regret it in the morning but, I can't help it.

I dance with two guys and we grinned our sweaty bodies against each other, I smirked as I felt a pair of lips on my neck and I pulled away from them.

"Not so fast" I tell him and the other guy stood behind me now, so I was in between them.

"Princess, you're a tease. Do you know that?" The other guy said in my ear and grabbed my hips and pulled me back into his crotch.

"Yes—I do know that. Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom" I say and pull away from the two. I feel their on my ass and I roll my eyes.

This isn't even fun anymore, I could somehow only think of one person that would be fun right now. And he hates me. Which is why it would be fun.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Northsider" A voice said from behind me. Sweet Pea.

"Oh my god—Hades?" I ask and look down on the floor,  before looking up at a pissed off looking Sweet Pea.

"What are you doing here? If I remember correctly a certain friend of mine told you to stay away from Southside" Sweet Pea said with a smirk and crossed his arm as I turned to face him properly.

"I'm not sure—who would that be?" I say with an attitude and fake wonder. "You really have grudge against him, huh?" Sweet Pea says with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, what can I say? He started it" I say in defence. "That's not what I heard. At the pool game you really ticked him off" Sweet Pea says and I raise an eyebrow.

He thinks that's where it started? "Oh, I'll apologise to him then" I say and fake smile.

"Is the Serpent around?" I ask and look around amused at the party.

"Well, he's busy right now. He's in one of the rooms with two girls. So, get in line" Sweet Pea says with a disgusting smirk.

For some reason, that comment made a pang of pain in my chest. Well—ruin my party mood would you? Sweet Pea chuckles at my silence and he walks away laughing.

I rub my face and get out of the party and out on the parking lot. "Hey baby! Why don't you stay a little longer?" A drunk voice yells after me and a group of boys laugh.

"Hey, Why don't you shut your horny little mouth?" I yell back and put my leather jacket on.

I walk out on the road in front of the house the party was in, as I'm about to take a step forward a pair of arms grab me from behind and push me into their chest.

"What the fuck—dude" I say and turn around and push him back. "Baby, I just want to have some fun, I know you do too" He says and leans down to kiss my neck.

"Okay, that's it. You're being a jerk—no, a disgusting jerk" I say and push my finger into his chest and then slap him.

"You little slut" he hisses before grabbing my arms. "Okay, seriously let go" I say and glare at him.

"How about no, you can't go around and tease people and then leave" he says angrily.

"Let me be the judge of that, you idiot" I say and stomp my foot on his and knee him in the stomach and he falls down on the grass and I go back inside to the party.

He sure as hell wont find me in there. I stumble into someone and a drink spills over me and I gasp.

"What the fuck!" I groan and look up only to face a shocked looking Fangs. "Of course, you're actually here" I say and roll my eyes.

"I would say nice to see you again—but it really isn't" Fangs says and glares at me. "Just get out of my way" I scoff and walk around him to go to the bathroom to fix my shirt.

I slam the door shut and something just overwhelmed me and I felt tears come to surface. I grip the sink and take a deep breath and steady my breathing.

I got beaten, I'm pissing off the Serpents when I am one myself, I am a jerk, I'm pure trouble, my mom is away, my dad is in jail, I'm lying to all my friends, did I mention I get randomly beat up?

Should I be crying right now? Should I feel overwhelmed? Yes. I wipe my eyes and take a deep breath, but new tears fall instead.

I take another long breath and look up, but that's when I realise I didn't lock the door, I also realised that a certain Serpent was standing in the doorway with crossed arms and a blank expression.

"What? No jerk comment?" I snap and turn on the water and dry my eyes. Fangs closes the door and walks up to me, he doesn't say anything at first, but sighs before turning me around.

"I'm probably gonna regret this. Come here" Fangs mutters and pulls me into his chest and out his arms around me.

He sighs and I just go with it and hug him, I sob quietly into his chest, he caress my back slowly and I grip his jacket and hold into him.

I somehow felt, safe and relaxed in his arms. It was odd seeing how much he hates me and the fact that he wants me out of the Southside.

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper as we still haven't let go. "Because, I don't let pretty annoying girls cry alone in a house filled with drunk assholes" Fangs says annoyed.

"Thank you" I say and hug him tighter again. "Lets get you out of here" Fangs says and pulls away, he puts his hands on my cheeks and he stares into my eyes.

He stops and so do I as our eyes lock, I try to find something to say but instead I lean in and so does he.

He kisses me and gently holds my face, but then he pulls away and removes his touch on me, like I burned him.

"I can't do that" He says and rubs his forehead and glances at me. "Why not?" I ask a little hurt and confused.

"Because it would be taking advantage of you. No matter how much I hate you, I'm not that kind of guy" Fangs says and wipes a strand of hair out of my face and pull his hand away.

"Right" I say and nod before looking down. "You know what? Let's just get out of here. I'm gonna cheer you up" Fangs says and grabs my hand before pulling me with him out.

I giggle as he almost knocks multiple drunk people down, he pulls me through the dancing crowd and before he pulls me out I make eye contact with Sweet Pea. He glares at me and raises an eyebrow as he sees Fangs look back at me with a smirk.

A/N: You think they're gonna get together? What is Fangs and Maia gonna doooo?

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