Sick Days

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Someone requested one being sick and the other taking care of them.


Marshall groaned painfully into his pillow as he willed the pounding in his head to go away. He had felt the cold coming on days ago but thought that it would just pass, unfortunately it hadn't, and he only felt worse as the days passed. Tears came to his eyes as another wave of tremors passed through his aching muscles. His throat felt as if he had swallowed sand paper, but he had to breathe out of it due to his stuffy nose.

He let out another painful cough, whining when he heard someone knock on his bedroom door. "Marshall?" He heard Gumball from the other side of the door. He groaned in response, in his head he was telling him to go away, but his mouth and mind were seemingly not cooperating.

"Oh Marshy." Marshall flinched when he suddenly felt a hand running through his hair. The light caresses felt amazing, but he didn't want Gumball to get sick, so he attempted to swat the hand away only to be met with his muscles refusing to work.

"Don't worry Marshall, I'm wearing a mask and brought hand sanitizer." Marshall finally opened his eyes at that. Seeing that Gumball was in fact wearing a mask, and also had a large bag filled to the brim with things. "I went to the store and got some throat and nasal things, I also got a new blanket, small air purifier, disinfecting spray, more tissues, masks for visitors and hand sanitizer."

"You're such a fucking mom." Marshall wheezed out, before breaking into a fit of coughs. Gumball only shook his head moving to set up his things on the dresser besides Marshals bed. He covered his boyfriends face with an extra mask, spraying the room and pillows down with spray, before taking the infected blanket and handing him a new one.

"I'll put these in the wash and we'll switch them back out tomorrow. Keeping everything clean will help minimize the bacteria around here." Gumball informed as he moved the masks and a bottle of sanitizer to the table by the bedroom door. "This will help keep everyone from getting infected." 

Marshall rolled his eyes and let his head fall back onto his pillow, watching silently as Gumball busied himself with cleaning the "infected" room. It was somewhat cute to watch, but all Marshall wanted to do was cuddle the pinkette boy. He couldn't risk him getting sick though. His eyes began to droop when Gumball began to finish up the last of his cleaning, only to have them open when Gumball poked his cheek.

"Medicine and some soup, then you can sleep Marshy." Gumball cooed as he helped his boyfriend sit up. "This nasal stuff is going to make your nose runny in a while so make sure to keep the tissues close." Marshall groaned in response, letting Gumball fill him with medicine and later, soup, before collapsing against his bed again.

'Thanks...Bubba." He mumbled tiredly, nuzzling up to his pillow when Gumball began to play with his hair, making Gumball coo at his childlike behavior. "Love you."

"I love you too Marshy." Gumball whispered.

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