Domesticated Dragons

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Not my AU! But im also not doing exactly as the promt says. I just really liked the idea of a dragon. Sooooooo Marshall will be Gumballs pet Dragon  (shifter). But ya know he views Gumball as a mate. And we all know Dragons are possessive ^.^
Hope you enjoy.

Im gonna also try third person POV.

Gumball sighed and threw his phone back onto the table. Hes called three different vets but none apparently knew what was wrong with his dragon. 

He has been very hostile toward Gumballs friends and other animals. He actually bit Flame once and this worried Gumball. He didn't want to put Marshall in a muzzle or worse, take him to a dragon training school. But he also knew that the safety of others (and himself) was very important. So he started calling vets, reading articles, and other dragon books. But nothing and no one seemed to have an answer.

What gumball didn't know is that this was because his little "pet" was actually a shifter and shifters have human mates. And Gumball was Marshalls human mate. Marshall was just doing what was in his nature. Protect. Hide. And care for and love his little human mate. He had built them a nest for mating (That wasn't weird to type XD). Kept away others who would try and steal him away. Provide food, that he took from the fridge and to the nest. So in his mind he didn't know what he was doing wrong. But he knew something was wrong because his mate has been upset for the past week. So Marshall decided he was going to find out.

Gumballs POV:

I lied back against the soft cushions thinking about other things I could do to try and find out what was wrong with Marshall.

"Gumball." I yelped and looked up to find a boy (18 so shush) sitting beside me. (A very handsome one but that was besides the point.)

"Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get in here!?" I looked around trying to find a weapon to use against him.

"Its me Marshall." He grinned and I froze.

"Your trying to tell me that your my dragon!?" I screeched. Oh god I was stuck in my house with a phycotic boy.

"But I am Marshall." he pouted "Why don't you believe me Bubba."

"How the hell do you know that name?' Only my sister Bubblegum has ever called me that and no ones ever heard that name besides...Oh glob I'm going crazy. I slowly looked up and took in the boys appearance. His eyes were the same blood red as my dragons and his hair was the same black as midnight color like my dragons scales. "But your a boy.." I said my mind not wrapping around what he was implying.

"I'm a shifter." He grinned. "I can be a dragon or a human."

"Then why haven't you ever shifted before?" I asked still not sure if he was being honest, a killer, or if I was finally losing my sanity.

"Well I couldn't before. I had no one to teach me when I was younger but now that my dragon is old enough he can force us to." He explains still not dropping his smile. Oh glob.

"Prove it." I said. He nodded and walked to the center of the room. I could see the sales slowly emerge from beneath  his skin and hear the popping and cracking of his bones. Before my eyes the boy shrunk down back into my little black dragon.

3rd POV:

Once Gumball was done making Marshall shift back and fourth between and beast he finally let Marshall stay human so they could talk. Marshall explained all he knew about dragons shifters and how Gumball was his mate. Gumball of course went 50 different shades of red and argued with him for half an hour. Marshall being patient yet persistent kept telling Gumball that they were in fact mates. And slowly Gumball accepted it. Hr accepted his dragon shifters love. And slowly fell in love as well.

Holy crap that was a lot to type XD hope you enjoyed. ^.^ Request are open btw.

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