Soul Mate

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This was inspired by a post I saw. If you cant see the picture theres a clock on your wrist that counts down (years, months, days etc.) To the day you meet your soulmate.

Theyre still in aaa but gumball isnt a prince of anything just a nerd at school. And Marshall isnt a king yet.

Marshall Lees POV:

2hrs... 36min.... 24seconds...

I was going to meet my soulmate in less than three hours. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was terrified. What if I didn't like him. What if he didnt like me? What if it was a girl!?!? ( I am 100% gay!) I groaned and rested my head on my desk. Who knew meeting your soul mate would be this stressful

1hr...1 min...16sec....

My foot tapped against the floor at a rapid pace as I watched the seconds pass. No one dared to say anything, they knew that today was the day. The Prince of the Dead was meeting his soul mate. I could hear all the whispers.

"Poor girl..."

"Won't stand a chance..."

"...dead in a week..."

I growled and there whispers died down. The rumors about me being heartless and murderous werent true. I didnt intentionally hurt anyone. I only hurt to protect and no one understood that. They all feared me because of their own stupidity and spread awful stories about things I did not do.

That was another thing I was worried about.

What if he was scared of me....


I sighed as the school day ended. I was a bit relieved that I didnt have to meet my soulmate in front of everyone. And maybe...just maybe he doesnt go to my school. Then he wouldn't know the rumors...and id have a chance.


I couldn't take my eyes off of my wrist as I walked down the path that would take me home.

20 seconds...

Time seemed to be slowing down as the seconds dropped one by one.

15 seconds...

I kept watching the clock tripping over my own feet every few steps.


I was going to meet my soulmate


Why couldn't I take my eyes off my wrist


Oh my Glob


I groaned as I collided with somone crashing to the ground. The smell of candy hit me hard.

"Are you okay?" I slowly looked up and was met with violet eyes and mop of pink hair. I nodded staring at my "soulmate" not yet trusting my voice.

His face grew beat red as he took in our position. I was laying in the dirt on my back as he straddled me. Our faces only inches apart.

"Im Marshall Lee..." I began. How the hell do I talk to him. My train of thought was going off the tracks I couldnt think straight. Oh glob what was he doing to me.

"I know." He whispered and I tensed. This was terrified of me forever.

"Look I promise the rumors arent true. Im not a bad vampire I swear." I said frantically. He smiled softly.

"I know. Im gumball, nice to meet you." He giggled and for a quick second I could've sworn my heart thumped. I couldn't help but smile. He was so cute and innocent.

"Ready to spend eternity together?" I asked.

"Of course." He smiled and slowly leaned in to kiss me.


Im sorry!! Its not that good. BUT I TRIED.

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