The bullies and The nerds

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Going a little off the request by adding Finn x Flame, hope you don't mind.

Is it Abadeer or...?


Gumball let out a breath, watching it condense into tiny droplets of water and ice making it look like fog. I t was one of the main reasons he liked the cold, besides the hot coco and warm clothes. He smiled softly adjusting his glasses before readjusting his scarf, he was almost at school!

Yea, so he was a nerd? So what. It honestly wasn't the only reason he liked going to school...he may have had a tiny crush on a certain boy. The towns bad boy, and the school bully. Marshall Lee Abadeer . He had beautiful silky black hair, that framed his striking red eyes, and a lip piecing to set it all off.

Marshall was always getting in trouble with law, but his mother was a top notch lawyer with a lot of friends, so he never stayed in a cell for more than day When he wasn't causing trouble out there, he was being a douche bag to the kids at school. He mostly bullied the snotty jocks now, ever since he took a liking to Gumball he began to leave the nerds alone.

"Hey Gummy!" Finn cheered from across the school yard gaining Gumballs attention. He stopped short, jumping out of surprise slightly before skipping over to his bestfriend.

"Hey Finny." He giggled, slightly covering his mouth out of habit. Finny smiled putting his arm around Gumball and leading the boy inside, both unaware of the glare that followed them.

"So...I heard that Jack was looking to pick a fight with Marshall today." Finn said excitedly while opening his locker and grabbing his algebra books. Gumball couldn't help but roll his eyes at the gossip while he began opening his own locker.

"Why do you even bother listening to those stupid rumors Finn?" He sighed in annoyance while grabbing his own algebra books.

"We don't do anything besides study, and no one likes us, and half the school bullies us Gummy. I like to have at least one exciting thing in my life." Finn sighed sadly while shutting his locker and locking it back up. He waiting for Gumball to grab his books before they both set off down the hall.

"What, Flame isn't enough for you anymore." Gumball teased lightly pushing his shoulder against Finn's. The said boy blushed scarlet red at the words, casting a quick glance to make sure no one had heard his friend.

"Oh shush! He doesn't even like me." Finn sighed sadly looking down at his shoes. "And I heard he's straight."

"From who!?" Gumball asked perplexed.

"My sister." Finn answered, slightly angry and a bit ashamed. His sister was the schools slut, and if she got her hands on Flame...well...Finn wouldn't want anything that touched his sister. No matter how hot they were.

"Why would you even believe her Finn?" Gumball scoffed as he turned and stopped his friend. "She's a liar Finny, and she doesn't see the way Flame looks at you. I know he likes you, he's just caught up in the wrong crowd."

"Sure he does." Finn sighed while they began to make their way to the library again. First period the boys had study hour, they chose to study algebra today due to the test later in the week. "But you are right about the wrong crowd, I cant believe Flame hangs out Marshalls gang."

"He's in Marshalls gang." Gumball corrected while pushing open the library doors. It was relatively empty, except for the librarian and few other kids who hung out here for first period.

The boys took their seats in the back of the library, the librarian had let them put a table in the furthest part of the library behind a shelf once she had learned that they were getting bullied. Plus Mrs. Peppermint had always treated Finn and Gumball like her own children due to the loss of her own boys.

"Do you still like him?" Finn asked looking up at Gumball. "Marshall I mean."

"U-uh, yea." Gumball whispered blushing a bit. "But, I don't know, I cant really do anything about it. Ashley would have my head if she ever found out."

Finn nodded sadly while pulling out his work, Ashley was a slut along with his sister. Both girls liking the same boys as them, only the girls were popular, attracting, and female. They had chances while the two didn't. Plus Ashley had most the basket ball and football team wrapped around her finger, she'd send them after Gumball if she knew he liked her crush.

Yea, only a crush, Marshall never game her the time of day.

"Well, what if..." Finn hesitantly began. "I mean...we've never seen either one of them with girls. Like you said were going off rumors."

"Yea so?" Gumball questioned looking up from his text book.

"What if they were gay." Finn said his eyes full of hope.

"What if who was gay?" A voice rang out causing both boys to gasp nearly fall out of their seats. They looked up to find no other than Marshall Lee and Flame themselves.



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