Intoxicated I Love You Part 2

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Okay so this is the tenth chapter (minus the notes) so I'm going to start a new one shot book

The ship is...

*Drum roll*

SABRIEL!  So please comment some AU's youd like to see ^.^

Fate was a funny thing....

Yes I know corny right? But is. Fate will put through hell and kick you to the ground. But all for good reasons. Because you see, love has a lot to do with pain. The boys didn't know this and you might have not either, but just like'll learn.

Gumball and Marshall had been through a lot together...yes even before the hook up. They had mutual friends so they'd obviously run into each other. And after a very short while Gumball did fall in love. I'm not going to lie to you all though, it wasn't the same for Marshall. Yes, there was an un-controllable attraction to the pink haired boy, but it wasn't love at first sight. It took a lot longer than that...and that night. Well that sealed the deal. Marshall was lost in the pink boy.

That doesn't mean he acted on it. Nope, he denied it, but as hard as he tried to he couldn't deny it forever.

Yes I know what your thinking.


Well fate....Distance makes the heart grow fonder. And now it was time for fate to seal the deal...

It was after the concert, everything was packed up and the audience went home. Well everyone except Marshall Lee. He still sat all the way in the back of the field leaning against his car looking up at the night sky. He was engrossed in the stars that he didn't even notice Gumball walking towards him.

"Marshall..." Gumball whispered in awe making Marshall gasp and jump up. Niether could believe that the other was actually there. Right in front of them. So close...But so far away.

"Gumball...umm..hey?" Marshall sighed and scratched the back of his neck not making eye contact.

"How have you been?" Gumball asked politely. He was always so kind and Marshall couldn't understand why. Why was he even here, actually talking to him?!

"Umm..fine I guess. You?" There was no mistaking the awkwardness between them, well mainly on Marshalls part. Gumball was ecstatic to see the other male in front him.

"Fine as well Marshall." He smiled softly. "Ive actually missed you a lot." This made Marshall finally look up and make eye contact with him leaving Gumball star struck. Even after all this time Marshall still managed to make Gumball breathless.

"Really? Gumball did you hit your head on a rock? Do you not remember what happened." Marshall glared and looked away once again.

"Yea I remember it." He laughed humorlessly. "Hurt like hell, but that doesn't mean you meant it. And don't try saying you did, cause your here Marshall Lee. And that means you care. I don't know why you said it..or why I ran away instead of trying to fix it.." He crossed his arms and looked down. "But Marshall I still love you..I....I never stopped."

"But why!? Why wont you hate me!?" Marshall screamed making them both flinch.

"Because I love you."


"Why not."

Marshall growled, he didn't know what to do. He did love gumball, but Marshall didn't know how to love. He was never taught the meaning of love. But he did know that GUmball made his heart race and brain go haywire. It took a few more minutes of bickering before Marshall finally snapped and told him.

"I cant love you Gumball!"

"Why the hell not!?"

"I don't know how! I don't grow up like you Gumball! My parents were heartless monsters and raised me to be the same."

"Marshall I.."

"But then you come along and everything changes! You never gave up..hell you still haven' made me believe that I wasn't a made me think I was actually capable of being normal." Hot tears began to run down his cheeks and he tugged on his hair in frustration. 

"Marshall please..." Gumball pulled his hands away gently. "I love you. Even when you said you didn't love me I kept on loving you."

I know what some people might think. How can he love him? Let alone forgive him?

The answer is simple...

Because that's love.

Love is pain.

Love is torture.

Love is mistakes.

Love is heartbreaks.

But love is also Forgiveness, beauty, growth, picking each other up when one is down. Love is helping each other find the light and leave the darkness. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is finding each other and yourself through hell and heaven.

And that is why Gumball never gave up. Why Marshall slowly let go of his past and followed Gumball home to their ever after.

Oh glob this was bad....I'm gonna be honest I started to forget what happened in Part 1 and just started winging it. But yea guys. NEW STORY. No this isn't over but sadly this means this book wont be getting fast updates maybe one every few weeks? So keep giving me ideas. Ill try to keep this going longer because I do adore this ship. But i have many other ships that id love to start on. I'll never forget this ship but i need to start more. Sabriel is next and a little ways into that we will have another vote.

Gumlee fluffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें