Runaway Prince 2

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Part 2! Yes, there will be a part 3 to finish off the M-preg request. I actually got a lot more than what I was expecting, and I'll try to get all of them done soon.

Also! I'm going to go through and start deleting bad One-shots, so if there are some you don't want to see deleted tell me. When bad ones are deleted Ill try to edit the ones I saved.


"Marshall?" Gumball hesitantly called out into the cold air as he made his way deeper into the cave. At first he was afraid that Marshall hadn't come, but then he became afraid about what would happen if Marshall was here. How would he take the news-

'Stop it!' Gumball chided himself. It was pointless to think like that, Marshall will love him and the child! He may be the King of the dead, but he still had a heart...that didn't work...He still felt love!

"Bubba?" A voice called from the distance, Gumball let out a breathe and ran towards the source of the sound. "Bubba, my love, is that you?" They both heavily collided and fell to the ground in a tangled mess.

"It is I, my King." Gumball giggled as he looked down at a smiling Marshall. The said King, quickly sat up, taking Gumball's face into his hands before kissing him desperately. He had missed his sweet, pink, candy Prince. He had gone when he realized that he had lost him.

"I missed you so much," He breathed out into the pinkette's mouth. Gumball nodded, keeping their lips together as he tried not to let the guilt gnaw at his heart. 'I'm so sorry, my love, so deeply sorry."

"Please explain why, Gumball, why did you run away?" Gumball sighed and leaned away from Marshall, making the King panic for a second, only to calm a second later when Gumball took his hands. He was left confused when his prince only brought his hands to his stomach.

He looked down, taking in the sight that his stomach had grown...more round, and... thump...thump...thump...

That wasn't Gumball's heartbeat and it certainly wasn't his own. That could only mean...

"You're...You carry a child. Our child?" He breathed out, letting his fingers trace the smooth skin that his child was housed in. He had a child, he was a father. He couldn't contain the smile that had broken free at the thought.

"You are not mad...disgusted?" Gumball suddenly asked, making Marshall look up at him with a deep from.

"That's why you ran away? You thought-Oh my love never!" Marshall quickly brought Gumball into his arms, cradling the small prince to his chest. "Nothing in this world could ever make me hate you, and I could never be disgusted by you. You carry our child Bubba, take pride in being able to carry our child."

"Wh-what about, the others. My people-" Gumball began but was quickly silenced by his King.

"Anyone who has a problem can be put to death." Marshall spoke harshly making Gumball gasp. "Male being able to carry young is common among my people and if your people truly love you, they will accept it as well. Our friends will be happy for you as well."


"Gumball!" Bubblegum squealed as she ran into her brothers room. Gumball quickly looked up from where he sat on his bed. Marshall had become more aggressively protective the further they got into the pregnancy. It was honestly pretty cute, he'd never tell the dark King that though.

"What is it?" He asked as he set his book aside, he had taken his readings back up and was honestly very pleased with having all of the stressful things in life gone. He knew he had to take care of his kingdom once the child was born, but for now, all he needed to do was relax.

"The doctor is here to determine the sex of the baby!" She said with an excited giggle, making Gumball smile softly, he had always had a soft side for his sister.

"Could you please get Marshall for me, dear sister. He's back in the babies room working on it." Bubblegum nodded, running off, just as the doctor walked into the room.

"Prince Gumball." He addressed with a small bow, Gumball bowed his head in greeting, a soft smile on his face. "Are you ready your majesty?"

"He is now." Marshall spoke for him as he walked into the room, the doctor nodded fearfully and began to set up his equipment. It wasn't really anything technology related, more along the magic side. It didn't take him long to get his potions ready and he was soon, pouring small pools of random liquid along Gumballs stomach. It started to bubble and foam before turning into puff of smoke.

"Congratulations you two," The doctor said with a bright smile. "It's a boy!"

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