Bullet To The Heart

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Warning this is a sad one. It's inspired by the song "kiss it all better" by he is we. This chapter will literally be the story behind the song. So again WARNING

Marshall lie in his bed staring a the cold blank wall of his cell. Just a plain white stone wall with cracks running every which way. Just like his heart. He sighed and covered his head as he closed his eyes.

The image of a smoking gun that had just been fired flashes in his head.  He's back in that alley watching the footsteps of a coward collide with the walk way as he runs and disappears into the night. He looks down into his arms where gumball his love was quickly bleeding out. Staring up at him with sadness, fear, regret, and as always, love. Gumball looked up and Marshall and slowly smiled crying.

Kiss it all better...

I'm not ready to go...

It's not your fault love...

You didn't know....you didnt know...

He held on to gumballs ice cold hands and gently kissed his forehead. "Everything will be alright gummy." He whispered as the tears fell.

He noticed the gun lying there against the wet pavement and rage grew deep within him.

I'll avenge my lover tonight

Kiss it all better...

I'm not ready to go..

It's not your fault love...

You didn't know....you didnt know.

The light faded from gumballs eyes and Marshall choked on a broken sob. He grabbed the gun and ran after the stranger who didn't even bother trying to hide. Shots rang out into the cold night breaking the silence once again.




Bullets flew into the killers body until the clip ran out.

Marshall held his lovers body until the police arrived and took them both away.

Now he sits behind prison bars 25 to life and hes not in his arms. He couldnt bring him back with a bullet to the heart

of the back of a girl who tore his world apart.  

All Marshall had left were memories memories that he clung to with all his might. He curled up holding himself.

He cried..

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with meKiss it all better...

I'm not ready to go..

It's not your fault love...

You didn't know....you didnt know.

Kiss it all better...

I'm not ready to go..

It's not your fault love...

You didn't know....you didnt know.

Stay with me until i fall asleep...kiss it all better...

I honestly cried a little writing this chapter. Im so so sorry!! Don't hate me!

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