I don't mind

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This a highschool au. No vampires or princes

Marshall Lee and Gumball had been dating for a short while now and everything  has been going quite smoothly. Ashley was long gone (after gumball finally snapped and slapped the irritating ex.), Fiona got over her crush on Gumball and is now with flame, the gang was all back together (after a petty argument). Life was good, especially after the two teens confessed their love for eachother.

After a few days of dating the boys started to notice things about the other. No, no, nothing bad. Just cute little things that the other did.

Marshall took notice of a few things first.

One Gumball was very....territorial....If a girl was staring too long at Marshall Gumball would sit on his lap and kiss him smack on the lips. And when girls would flirt he would simply tell them to fuck off.

Two Gumball made these cute faces when he didn't like things but didn't want to say it. Mind you Marshall and Gumball have known eachother for years and Marhsall did notice Gumballs reactions to certain things but this one was new. And probably one of the funniest. His nose would scrunch up when he first saw but he'd smile anyway when he realized he was supposed to like it.

Now Gumball noticed something extremely cute that Marshall did. This was something Marshall did without really thinking about it.

Everytime theyd sit by eachother Marshall would brush their arms or legs together. They always had to be touching in some way. Sometimes Marshall would even run his fingers across Gumballs skin. Gumball didnt mind, no not one bit, he loved the contact as much as he did the goosebumps.

One thing Gumball also liked...that hed never admit to...was when Marshall would get jealous but didn't want to show or make a scene. Gumball would be talking to someone or just looking in their direction and after too long Marshall would get upset that his attention wasn't on him. So he would slowly slide his hand up to Gumballs thigh and give it a soft yet  firm squeeze. Reminding Gumball that he was his and his alone.

And Gumball didnt mind that one bit.

Sorry this isnt that good and extremely short. But yea....

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