I dont mind pt.3

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Request from BlackNotestrings


Scratch what I said before, Gumball was making Marshall jealous on purpose. If he wasnt before he definently was now. Gumball just wanted Marshall to react for globs sake! Not try to hide his anger, he wanted Marshall to lose it and let out in his inner animal!

Like I said, Gumball was a whore for dominance. He had a new plan set it mind, and he felt a bit guilty about using Flame, but his friend insisted he was fine with it. He needed help with getting Finns attention anyhow. Finn was playing hard to get, mainly since he believed no one would go after his Flame. Hopefully seeing Gumball flirt with Flame would make him stop playing games.

"Do you see him?" Gumball whispered over to Flame while he set up his plan. It was pretty harmless, and he wouldn't actually be cheating on Marshall. Just simple flirting.

"He's coming down the hall!" Flame whispered yelled turning to Gumball with a bit of panic in his eyes. He didn't want Marshall to hurt him. Gumball reassured that Marshall wouldn't since Gumball would be the one doing all the flirting.

But Gumball was honestly a bit nervous too, he was awful at flirting. Marshall had often teased him about it, before they actually got together.

"U-uh..." Glob, why was this so hard!? Gumball huffed in frustration angered that he hadn't planned this out enough to actually practice flirting!

"Oh for the love of  Glob Gumball!" Flame hissed pulling Gumball into the seat beside him a bit to roughly. "Just help me with my damn homework, Marshall wont know the difference if you keep your head down.

So Gumball did just that, mere seconds before Marshall entered the library. Gumball leaned against Flame gently taking the pencil from his hand,  (in all honestly accidently) lightly brushing there fingers together.

"S-sorry." Gumball stuttered blushing slightly out of embarrassment. He jumped back with a loud gasp when two hands roughly slammed onto their table.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Marshall hissed glaring harshly at both boys. The jealous, predatory, gleam in Marshalls eyes stirred something deep within Gumball, causing him to fight off a victorious grin.

"I-I was just helping Flame study." He spoke out innocently, but Marshall could see the gleeful gleam in his eyes. He planned this.

"Fuck!" Marshall and Gumball both turned to see Flame was getting dragged away by his ear, by a furious looking Finn. Leaving them alone. 

"Ill ask one more time." Marshall hissed darkly in Gumballs ear making Gumball bite back a keen. "What were you doing? "

"I don't know what your talking about Marshy." Gumballs voice was once again laced with innocence, while his eyes and grin were laced with sin. His stomach exploded with butterflies when Marshall let out a rough growl. A small gasp left his lips when Marshall lifted him from his seat, a whine following when he was pinned to a near by wall.

Marshall softly tsked while running his free hand up Gumball's shirt, luckily the book shelved were blocking them from everyone's view. He smirked down at the blushing boy all adjusting his left hand so that he could hold both of Gumballs wrist securely.

"You know what Bubbs," He hummed softly, running his nose along a long the pinkette boys neck. His tongue gently poked out once he got to Gumballs jaw and he smirked when Gumball let out a mewl. "I think you planned this."

Marshall nipped at the space where Gumballs neck and jaw met fully knowing it was the boys weak spot. He bit down harshly making Gumball hiss, then swiped his tongue over the bite making the pain dull slightly.

"I-I..." Gumball stuttered out trying to think straight. Glob dammit! Marshall saw right threw his plan. However, he couldn't stay irritated with all the bites, kisses, and licks Marshall was attacking his neck with.

It felt too good to stay mad.

"Did you wanna see me jealous Bubbs?" Marshall asked while tracing one of the boys nips with his cold finger. Gumball shivered shaking his head, he loved a jealous Marshall but that wasn't the goal. He wasn't so sure that this was his goal either though.

"No?" Marshall teased gently biting his lobe before blowing into his ear. This wasn't Marshall losing his cool. This was Marshall fully in control, but Gumball couldn't deny that it was hot.

"N-n-no" Gumball stuttered, hissing when Marshall gave him a small pinch. "I w-wanted y-you to-Fuck!" He whined out.

Marshall had swiftly rolled the boys shirt up using it to tie his hands, before he leaned down and swiftly bit one of  Gumballs nip. It felt too good. Gumball was going to get loud.

"Shh." Marshall cooed kissing back up to Gumballs ear. "You don't want anyone catching us do you?"

Fuck. Gumball thought, he didn't want that. It would be humiliating, but at the same time the thought of getting caught sent a rush of excitement through is system. No, he didn't want to actually get caught, just the rush of the possibility that they could.

"M-marshy." He gasped watching desperately as his hand ventured down to his jeans, they couldn't go that far. They had class! "N-no."

"No?" Marshall smirked popping one of his buttons while giving a quick kiss to his cheek. "I thought this is what you wanted Bubba."

"C-class." He stuttered before softly crying out when Marshall bit his neck once more. "We h-have class Marshy."

Marshall sent a quick glance at the clock, growling when he realized that Gumball was right. They had five minutes to get their things and make it to class on time.

"We'll finish this later." He promised helping Gumball fix himself up before dragging the dazed boy out of the library.

Gumball couldn't decide with Marshall he liked more.

Out of control and animalistic...

Or completely in control and predatory...


Not proof read.

Did I do this request good?

Also I think animalistic and predatory are different in this case.

Gumlee fluffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin