Bullies and Nerds Pt.3

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Gumball couldn't believe that he and Finn had agreed to go to Marshall and Flame's house after school. It was an awful idea, but they agreed and had no way to get out of going,. But, it couldn't be that bad of an idea right? Their crushes showed interest in them and they were gonna hang out.

Gumball sighed softly and rested his head against his locker, he was going to lose his mind if he began to think about all the what if's of his decision. He just needed to relax and go with it, it was gonna be okay.

"Ready to go Gumball?" Finn asked as he shut his locker, the pinkette nodded and followed his friend outside to the front of the school where Marshall Lee and Flame were waiting. Both boys looked up eagerly when they spotted the nerds and waved them over with big grins.

"We can do this Gumball," Finn whispered clutching his arm tighter as they made their way over the boys. They were both ungodly nervous, this could go one of two ways. Either the boys were joking and they were about to get jumped, or they were being serious and they were about to spend the day with their crushes. 

"I honestly thought we'd have to hunt you down and drag you two out of the school." Marshall laughed looking at Finn and Gumball as they approached them. He wore his usual smug smirk, but his eyes held an all new intensity that had Gumballs stomach twisting.

"C-could we go before the girls find out about this?" Gumball asked hesitantly looking around the courtyard. Almost everyone was staring, and he knew it wouldn't take long for Ashley and Fiona to find out about this. Poor Finn lived with one of them though, he had no escape.

"Yea," Flame said opening the back door to his car. "Hop in." Gumball climbed in with Finn following behind, and he watched as Marshall and Flame climbed in as well. 'This is really happening ' he thought with a queasy stomach. Then he realized something.

"U-uhm," He began uneasily, gaining everyone's attention. "If were going to be studying...why don't you have your books?" He watched as both boys in the front gave each other odd looks.

"Damn." Marshall said awkwardly. "We forgot our books, guess we'll have to share." 

"What a shame." Finn muttered sarcastically he.' Does he know something I don't?' Gumball asked himself. Finn had that annoyed look in his face, and he was glaring at Flame through the rearview mirror of the car. Flame only sent him a wink, causing Finn to turn away angrily with flushed cheeks.

The ride to the boys house was short and when they finally arrived, Gumball felt like he was going to throw up. He had never been good in these kinds of situations, the only plus was that he had Finn with him. 

They silently followed the boys into the house and Gumball let out a yelp when he was suddenly slammed into the nearest wall of the house. He looked up to find Marshalls predatory gaze locked onto him. Gumball could hear Finns shrieks and curses but was to wrapped up in Marshall to care.

"M-Marshal-" He began but was cut off when Marshall put a finger to his lips, his other hand was busy holding both of Gumballs above his head.

"You didn't really think we were studying did you Bubba?"


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