Bullies and Nerds Pt. 4

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I'm trying to get in all of the request and a lot of you wanted another part to this so here it is!


"Wh-what?" Gumball stuttered weakly as he looked up at Marshall. He said they were coming here to study, why would he think otherwise? "But you said..."

"I lied, we don't need a tutor." Marshall said with a smirk. Gumball wanted to be angry, and a small part of him was, but when he looked into Marshalls fiery eyes...it all melted away. He couldn't be mad when Marshall was looking at him like that. It was all he ever wanted.

"Then what are we going to do?" Gumball asked breathlessly. The way he was pinned to the wall gave him a small idea, but he wanted to be sure before he made a complete fool of himself. Marshall let out a dark laugh, his hands beginning to roam down Gumball sides in a teasing manner. 

"Take a wild guess Bubba." He hotly whispered into the pinkette boys ear making his knees go weak. Before he could slump forward, Marshall quickly grabbed hold of his thighs and hoisted him up so that they were locked together in a hot embrace. Gumball let out a quiet mewl at the contact and blushed fiercely as he took in their position.

"I feel lied to." Gumball turned to see Finn pinned to the floor with Flame straddling his thighs and kissing up his neck. He almost wanted to laugh at the desperate look on Finns face but then he realized that he probably didn't look much better. "I'm never speaking to you once I leave this house."

"Guess you're not leaving then." Flame said with a shrug, not yet pulling away from the blonde boys neck. Finn whined out pathetically before going lax when Flame began to nip at the skin on his neck. Gumball quickly turned away, deciding he didn't want to watch his friend get violated.

Marshall quickly led Gumball to his room, while Flame and Finn stayed in the living moving to a couch that Gumball was sure never to sit on in his life. How did he and Finn always manage to get themselves into these situations?


"So, you wanna help me study tomorrow night also?" Marshall asked with a smirk as he looked down at a panting Gumball. Both boys were bare and drenched with sweat, the only thing covering them were Marshalls dark covers.

"I'm not gonna be able to walk for a week." Gumball whined as he buried his flushed face into Marshalls chest. The said boy only laughed, and leaned down to give Gumball a quick kiss on his warm cheek. He was still a bit dazed himself, he never thought that he could actually get the pinkette boy into his bed. He had been pinning for the boy for a while now and almost wanted to cry when Ashley he was dating Finn.

Flame didn't take the news that well either, but he assured Marshall that it was a lie and that the two boys were strictly friends. They had planned to ask the boys out on a date earlier, but when they heard their conversation...they just couldn't help but tease the two for a little while. It worked out beautifully and now here he was holding the small boy in his arms after having mind blowing sex.

"Alright, we can watch some movies instead of 'studying'." Marshall said with a whisper as he pulled Gumball closer. Gumball smiled softly, glad to hear that Marshall didn't want this to just be a one night stand or a fuck buddy situation. 

"I'm picking the movie." Gumball said sternly, earning a snort in return. 

"I swear to Glob if it's some chick flick-" Marshall began, he hated those fucking movies. They were so cliché, and every movie had the same story line. He'd never understand how people could stomach those stupid things. 

"You'd sit down and watch it." Gumball teased with a small smirk of his own, surprising Marshall. "You did this to me, you shall now pay the price."

"Totally worth it." Marshall playfully grinned as he squeezed Gumballs cheeks, making him squeal and try to squirm away. They both laughed when Marshall simply pinned the boy down on the bed before attacking him with butterfly kisses.

Apparently Bullies and Nerds get along quiet well.


Not proof read


Well sorta sorry...One-shots to me are supposed to be pretty short....but...I'll try to make them longer 

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