Little Helper

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I obviously got this idea from the picture 😂 and when i get better and start doing more ship fluffs ill use this for like all of them XD its too cute!

Gumballs POV:

"Marshall can you get me the pink pen?" I asked my little helper. I had created him weeks ago in my lab and im very glad I did. Im still not quit sure how it happened though. I havent been able to do it again. So im going over my notes and seeing what I missed.

"Yes Bubba." He giggled and dragged over the pen. The object was much larger than him but he didnt seem to be struggling too much. "What are you doing?" He asked crawling up my arm.

"Going over notes." I said as I pet his small head making him purr. "Ill just be a few more minutes then we can get you something to eat." I had taken note that marshall was just like all the others in aaa. He needed food, water, sleep, and (secretly my personal favortie) alot of attention. He once tried to "kill" the paper I was working on because it was getting all of his attention.

"Okay." He grinned happily and played with my hands as I countinued to read.


I sighed frustrated. I still couldn't find my missing piece. I had looked over every step, every ingredient, and yet nothing seemed out of place. But then why isnt it working anymore.

"Bubba." Marshall whined pulling on my hair. "Im hungry Bubba." I sighed once again and got up marshall was more important than an experiment.

I walked into the kitchen and set Marshall on the table so I could pull out all the various fruits from my fridge.

"Here you go Marshy." I smiled softly and set the plate down taking a seat at the island. He grinned and sat down on the plate eating one berry at time giggling.

I watched the small creature I created.  He longish jet black hair that framed his tiny face and made his crimson red eyes pop. He also had two small dots on the side of his neck that marshall was 100% certain was a vampire bite. I had to stich him tiny clothes. He insited on dark balck shirts with red and black flannals and (of course) black skinny jeans. They were hard to make due to his size.

He was just a few inches taller than my pointer finger and could fit into the palm of my hand. His size did cause a few problems. Id easily lose him and was always terrified that id crush him. Sleeping was the worst part. No matter what I did Marshall would always find a way to sneak out of his box (which didnt havea lid and was at the head of my bed on a shelf) and into my hair. It was unbelievingly frustrating.

"Im done Bubba." I snapped back to reality and found a very messy Marhsall grinning...and covered in berry juice.

"Marshall Lee." I groaned and picked him up. "Now you need another bath."  He only responded with yet another cute little grin.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom where I had a tiny bowl that we used as his bath. Marshall undressed himself as I filled the makeshift tub up with warm water (Marshalls favorite) bubbles.

He giggled and splashed through his entire bath until it ended and he began to pout. I dried him off with one of my smallest rags and dressed him.


I was now laying on the couch petting Marshall who was curled up on my chest.

"I love you Bubba." He nuzzled my hand grinning. I smiled softly.

"I love you too Marshy." And i really did.

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