I see your pain

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This was a request

Umm...I think I'm supposed to put a warning on this? Talks of depression and cutting. So...don't read if you cant handle this stuff okay? I'm also always here if you need someone to talk to. I have depression and I've been on the brink of doing something you cant undo so I do understand. <3 It does get better. And there are people who want to help you.



Marshall's cutting had never been a secret to Gumball. He had known about the white and red lines scattered across his boyfriends arms for quite a long time now.He tried getting him to stop, but Gumball just didnt know how. How could he help when he didnt understand?

It had been weeks since Marshall had last cut, but Gumball knew he could never let his guard down. He could break at any moment and Gumball had to be there to put him back together. Marshall had often felt bad for "forcing" Gumball into the postion, but the pinkette boy never minded, he loved being able to help the older boy in any way he could.

He loved Marshall and wanted to take care of him. He may not have always understood Marshalls reason for resorting to cutting, but he knew that Marshall was in pain. An attempt to end one pain by causing another possibly? 

"Im back!" Gumball called out as he walked into Marshalls house, frowning when he got nothing in return. "Marshall?" He slowly made his way up the old rickety stairs that led to his boyfriends room, keeping a tight grip on the bags in his hands. He had only been gone for 20 minutes to get some movies for the two to watch over the weekend.

"Marshall?" He weakly called out as he stepped into the dark room. Marshall had always kept the curtains drawn shut, he hated the light for some odd reason. Gumball never questioned it though. 

The floor boards moaned underneath his weight, making Gumball cringe in fear, he hated this stupid old house. He ignored the noise, focusing on the sniffling coming from behind the closed bathroom door. He twisted the knob, panicking when it didn't budge.

"Marshall, let me in." He called out as he tried for the knob again. The bags had been dropped, his hands now focusing on the locked door. "Open this door right now Marshall Lee or so help me!" He stood silent, listening to the sound of more sniffling, then shuffling, before he heard the satisfying 'click' of the lock clicking out of place. The door swung open and Gumball could feel his heart shatter at the sight before him. Marshall was curling into the side of the tub, furiously scratching at the opened lines marked across his wrists.

A breathless whisper left his throat as he dropped to his knees in front of the crying boy. "Oh Marshy." He gently took the boys stained arms into his hands. "Why didn't you tell me Marshall? I could've helped."

"I c-cant stop it Bubba." Marshall cried out softly as he fell into the pink haired boys side. The said boy held him close, placing soft kissed along the top of his head. "It hurts and I don't know how to make it go away."

"What hurts Marshy?" Gumball asked, as he moved the kisses downwards to the crying boys face.

"Everything. Everything hurts and I don't know why." He sniffed again, trying to take in the warmth his boyfriend always provided. "I try not to, I really do, but it just starts to itch so fucking bad and it gets worse until I scratch it open." Gumball nodded softly, quickly kissing Marshall on his lips before taking his cold hands and placing kisses on each knuckle.

"It's gonna be okay Marshy, I promise." He whispered. "I'm gonna make the pain go away, you just gotta remember to tell me when it starts to itch though, okay? I need to know so I can make it go away." Marshall nodded, silently watching as Gumball traveled to his arms, placing kisses on each mark that stained his skin.

"I love you so much Marshall Lee, so, so much. I'm gonna help you get better." He cooed before gently taking Marshalls face into his hands, angling him so they were eye to eye. "None of this is your fault Marshall. This isn't your fault and you don't have to face any of this alone. I'm here to fight this battle with you, I'll always be here. I love you."

"I love you too Bubba." Marshall sniffled, as his boyfriend picked him off the ground and tended to his wounds, sneaking in kisses as often as he could. 

"I love you so much."


Bleh. Was this okay? I'm sorta awkward when I write this stuff.

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