Chapter 8

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I had so much work to do, I don't think I would be able to get done tonight. So far I had two back to back meetings with no break and as soon as I got out. I found out there was a problem with one of our shipments to China.

 Gosh, can this day get any worse? I was busy looking through documents on my tablet and talking to one of my business partners in China trying to see if there could be a way to fix it without having to leave the country. 

 "Yes, I know---no, no that's not what we said!"  the conversation with Mr. Lee and I wasn't going anywhere and I was so tired. "Mr. Lee we sent them over a week ago and you---" this man really loves to cut people off. I heard a knock on the door thinking it was the files I asked "Come in" I yelled and going back to this never-ending the conversation with Mr. Lee. The smell of hot food made me forgot about Mr. Lee, I turned around to see the clown; she smiled and raised her arms showing me the plate of food she had. Holding up my hand signing to her to give me a minute I went back to my call.

 "Yes I'm here," I said when Mr. Lee started yelling out my name. I was all over the place I felt like I was running a marathon. Going back in forth from the computer, to my documents, and then back on the phone with Mr. Lee I looked up to see the clown at the island table sitting up the food, I let out a sigh. 

 "Ok, how abo--, wait, wait what are you doing?" I yelled as the clown took my phone from my hands and end the call. "What the fuck that was a very important call!" I yelled I watch as she saved my stuff and shut off my computer and tablet.

 "What are you doing?" I asked again when she wouldn't answer me. I followed her as she walked towards the table where she set the food.

 "Sit" she said pointing at the chair, letting out a deep breath I took a seat. She sat across from me "Eat" she said taking a spoon of mac and cheese, I am not a big fan of mac and cheese but at this point, I didn't care I'm staving. Taking a huge bite I started to eat.

 "Was that so hard?" she said, I felt something cool hit my face and turn to see she dabbing my face with a wet cloth, I didn't even notice she got up. "You can't keep doing this to your self Kevin, you have a kid remember," she said dabbing my neck.

 "Yeah, but he has you" I said taking a sip of my water.

 "Yes, but you're his father. You can't keep working your self like this" she said raising her voice, what she said was nothing new I got the same talk from my family and Josh.

 "Where's Max?" I asked changing the subject.

 "He's asleep now, Rose is with him" she answered sitting back.

 I started to eat my chicken tenders "How was he?"

 "He was good today, after school, we went shopping I bought him some age-appropriate cloth-"

 "What was wrong with what he has?"

 "Kevin, Max is six and he doesn't own any toys or even has one pair of superman pj's" she said as if it's a crime.

 "And?" I said not seeing her point.

 "All he owns are plan boring clothes, he's a kid and he needs to wear bright happy colors with his favorite super hero's" rolling my eyes I looked at my watch shock of how late it is.

 "Kevin" I heard her whisper "I just want to know if I'm going to be Max's mother, how will I explain this to others" I turn to face her.

 "Others?" I said confused.

 "Yeah, people here at work and the teachers at the school?" 

 "What would you rather say?" I asked getting up and making my way towards my desk I heard her follow me.

 "Well...I already told one person we are dating, I mean if that crosses the line--"

 "No it's fine" I said cutting her off and picking up my things.

 "Really?" she said shocked.

 "Yes, why not? its way easier to explain than saying you're his paid mother" grabbing my keys I made my way towards the door.

 "Wait what about the food?" she asked following me behind.

 "Someone will clean it up" I said as we walked out of my office. "Do you need a ride?" I asked opening my car door.

 "No, its ok I drove here" she said.

 "Alright," I said getting into my car.

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