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A girl entered a quiet cafe and sat on a table. She placed her stuff on the table and walked to the cashier. "Can I have Milk Banana and french toast with everything." She said looking at the menu. After that she went back to where she was originally. She took out her laptop and started working on her school work, getting ready for her finals. Once her food and drinks were placed a male with other three males sat on a table near the exit and took out a phone. They started off with looking at the phone, and one boy had his phone out looking at it. "Congratulations on being the first comment." The male who entered first said. "Shut up Jisung." A male with a deep voice said to the one who talked earlier. "Shhh Lucas." Another one said. "They are coming. 1,000 views now start." The one with the phone said. "Ok Chenle tell them what we are doing." Jisung said to the male with the phone. "We were walking past and saw the place empty. So we decided to be here and eat." He said. Jisung looked over at the direction of the girl, she blushed and looked back at her screen. She looked at her food, and noticed its untouched. She grabbed a knife and fork, slowly cutting her French toast. "What would you like to drink?" The cashier asked. "Can we get to milk banana, one americano, and on green tea latte." Lucas said. "Can we also get the French toast with everything, curry with rice, and a sandwich." The one with brown hair said. "That's a lot Jaemin." Chenle said. Lucas, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung. Isn't that the Nct members who my younger sister keeps talking about. The girl thought to her self. She typed some notes in her computer about her English test. "Calm down." Lucas said calming the boys down. "So what we hot we young." Chenle sang, which made the girl smile. "Stop baby don't stop." He sang another song. He kept singing songs, making the girl smile for no apparent reason. She closed her laptop and put it back in her bag. She went up to the cashier and ordered: "Can I have a plain bagel with butter and another milk banana." She sat back down and took out her phone. She received a phone call. She didn't answer but declined the call. "The food will be coming soon." A women told the boys. "Your voice got recorded." Jaemin said pointing to the phone. They all started making jokes with the lady, making the younger girl smile. Oh how she loves when people got along - especially young people with older people. Her order came and she slowly enjoyed her food. She scrolled down through her Instagram. She saw that TVXQ, was going to have a comeback. She almost choked on her food. She took out her earbuds and plug it into her phone. She went to SM YouTube account and saw the video/teaser. "We came in and Go was playing. And while ordering Boss came out." Lucas said. "And we changed the music to fit the café theme." Jisung continued for the other male.

"Bye Bye." They all said ending their live or video, who knows what they were doing. The lady went up to the males and they whispered a few things. The girl finished all her work and was waiting for her check. She packed her stuff and noticed the boys left. "I'm ready to pay." She said. "No need to. One of the boys kindly paid for it." She said. The girl nods her head and swung her bag over her shoulder. "Thanks you." She said and left the café.

On her way back she saw the boys once again. She fastened her pace to reach them but they turned the corner. The girl, wanting to say thank you, followed them. She quickened her speed and eventually was behind them. She cursed at herself for thinking this is a right idea. She coughed trying to get their attention but nothing. "Excuse me." She mumbled. "Oh sorry, you can go." She remembered his name, Jaemin, said. "I- never mind. Thank you." She said walking past them. She cursed at herself once again for being a pussy. She doesn't even know where she is going. She stops and turns to the boys, out of her surprise they weren't there. She looked around and no one was there. She grunted and walked back to the corner to head back home.

The next few days she would go to the café to see if they will eventually come. One week later she went back to the café. "Here once again?" They asked her. She smiles and nods her head. "What do you want this time?" They asked, once again. "Americano and a muffin." She said. She sat in her original seat and opened her laptop, as usual. The door opened, letting the cold breeze go in the café. She looked over and it was him, finally. Jisung but except with other males. "Same orders?" The women asked. The boys nod their head. "Start up the v-app Donghyuck." Jisung said to a male with a hat on. "Ok, Mark start up the live." He said to another male with a mask on. "Ren- where did he go?" He asked. "He went to piss. Now start it." Jisung answered him before a male with black hair sat next to Donghyuck. "You guys are lazy." Jisung said. "Here are your drinks." The lady said placing all their drinks on the table. "Here's your order." They gave her, her order. "Thank you." She said.

Once she finished everything she saw the males getting up and leaving. She got up, swinging her bag over her shoulder again. "They pod again." They told her. She nods, like before, but ran after them. "Excuse me. Excuse me." She said stopping behind them. They all turned around to face her. Donghyuck looked at Jisung smirking. "I'm going ahead." He said turning around and walking. "Not without me." Mark said following him. "Thank you." She managed to get out. "For what?" Renjun asked. "Paying for my food. Both times, I tried saying it last week but couldn't. So thank you for paying two times, you didn't need to. I have my own money, so let me repay you." She said taking out her wallet. She pulled out $40 dollars. $10 from today and $30 from last week. "No no. It-it was nothing." Jisung stuttered, which made the girl smile out of his cuteness. "Thank you." Renjun said taking the money. "Renjun!" Jisung mumbled. "Sorry, here." He said giving it back to the girl. She shook her head, putting her wallet away. "Once again thank you. But I should get going. I think you guys should too. Bye." She said and went passed them.

"Are you going to chase after her?" Renjun asked once the girl crossed the street. "Should I?" He mumbled. "You've been admiring her since you started your school year there. I think you should." Renjun said smiling and patting the boy. Jisung chases after her, while Renjun turned the corner.

"Wait up." Jisung said running to the girl. "You shouldn't walk alone. I'll walk you home." He said walking next to her. "I'm totally fi-" she gets interrupted by his confession. "You probably haven't notice, or dont want to notice. But i'm in your class. And it may sound weird now that i'm talking about it. But i've been admiring you from a far. Is that the right way of saying. I don't know. Well i like you that's what i mean." He quickly said. The girl stopped walking and looked at the ground. She doesn't even know what to say, at least at the confession made by a popular -and famous- kid. She looks at him and he continued walking. "Jisung!" She yelled walking up to him. He looks at her and smiles. "It's fine if you don't feel the same. I understand." He said. The girl cleared her throat. "I've actually have noticed you once or twice, at school. But you catched my eye at the cafe the other day. Ever since that day i kept going to the cafe to see if I'll see you again. To thank you... for paying. But you didn't have to. Also for today, you didn't have to pay." She said. She paused trying to think of what else to say. Her cheeks turned red and once again she looked at the ground. "Jisung... how about we be friends and see where things lead us." She said playing with the hem of her oversized sweatshirt. "If it makes you comfortable, then lets do that." He said making the girls face a darker shade. "Thanks Jisung." Everytime she said his name, his heart would beat faster.

"Well here we are. Get back safe, thank you again." She said and pulled him into a tight hug. He hesitated, due to surprise but hugged her back. "Anytime... anytime." He mumbled. They pulled away and she went to her front door. She turned around to look at Jisung ,once again, and waved 'bye' to him before entering her own place.

Edit: this was requested but I forgot from who OOF

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