Ch23: Childish games and Pets.

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Tyler's POV.

I wake up startled and momentarily unsure of my whereabouts, but realising I am nestled against Troye's warm body instantly soothes me. Blinking in the darkness, I note that we are still on the plush couch and I vaguely remember trying to fight sleep as we had watched a movie earlier. The TV however is turned off and the only light in the room is the occasional flash of lightening from outside the window. I realise that it is likely the thunderous claps that have woken me so suddenly. I turn my attention back to Troye, who is sleeping with me clutched firmly in his arms. I try to stretch but even in his sleep his lock on me remains tight, preventing my back from arching. I roll my neck out and instantly regret falling asleep on the couch as it clicks repeatedly. With this regret influencing my next decision, I gently start to murmur Troye's name in an attempt to wake him so that we can go to bed. My calling however does not stir him. Giving another wriggle, I try to escape his grasp in order to lift my body so that my face is level with his. It takes me a moment and I cannot fathom if he has an unnatural strength in his sleep or if my own body is just weak with exhaustion.

Finally face to face with my sleeping boyfriend, I find that I can still barely see him due to the darkness but I know from memory, the sharp juts of his cheekbones, the creaminess of his smooth skin and the distinct curve of his cupid's bow and I know that he undoubtedly looks beautiful. I stroke his temple with my thumb and take a minute to savour the happy glow that I get from something as simple as lying here with Troye. Slowly he begins to stir and as I continue to caress his temple, his hand finds mine.  I wonder if I have woken him with my movement, but his lashes remain sleeping against his cheeks and I smile at his lethargic affection. Listening to his shallow breaths, I am reluctant to disturb him but the crick in my neck nags me to take us both to bed. I succumb to the logic over my want and I begin to gently call his name again.  This time my voice finds him in his dream land and releasing groggy murmurs, he slowly begins to flutter his eyes open.

"Come on sleepy, lets go to bed" I whisper as he tries to bury back down into the sofa. He replies with a protesting whimper and I smile dotingly at his soft sounds.

"Think of the big, fluffy duvet" I say, trying to convince him to move. My attempt proves ineffective however as he continues to refuse to get up. I detach my body from him, physically having to manoeuvre his hands away from my waist and I quickly stand up before he can capture me again.

"Well I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning" I tease, knowing that my absence will undoubtedly cause him to leave the sofa and find the bedroom. As I begin to walk away, I hear him mumble my name- my favourite voice sounding gritty with sleep. I turn into the guest bedroom and purposefully leave the door open for him. By the time I climb into bed, I can hear him dragging his feet across the floor, apparently too tired to lift them properly. I smile as I position myself in the centre of the bed and I wait for him to find me.

Soon enough, Troye collapses clumsily under the thick duvet, and I grunt as his weight crushes my stretched out body.

"Tilly... Move over to your side" he grumbles, now positioned in the tiny space I have left for him.

"Nope. You wanted to sleep on the couch. The bed is all mine tonight" I taunt, smiling as the moonlight enables me to watch his face fall. His tender nickname for me tumbles from his lips, accentuating the 'y' as he drags it out in disapproval.

"Back to the sofa for you" I chirp, enjoying his adorable protests. My childish game appears to have energised him slightly and his sleepy eyes have begun to sparkle again.

"Fine. I guess if there's no room next to you..." he begins as he starts to sit up "I'll just have to sleep on you" he finishes, now climbing on top of me. I smile up at him and gently rub his thighs that are positioned at either side of my hips.

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