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After the Northern lights adventure, the girls went back to their normal life. Eli went back to Berlin and Sun to Buenos Aires.

Eli tried to keep her mind concentrated in her work, but sometimes it was hard to keep her thoughts away from Guggi. She missed him. His smile, his attitude, his crazy thoughts and things they did together, that kiss. She felt it was something unwritten between them, and the only way to know the story was writing it themselves. She didn't have his number, but he did have hers.

Guggi called her the day after she left. They told them in the office she was on holidays and she would get back on Monday. So he called on Monday. He wanted to say so many things to her, he didn't know where to start. He thought she was not interested in him, until she kissed him before leaving, like in the movies. After some days trying, she finally answered the phone.

"Hey! Finally! It's me, Guggi" He said as Eli could feel happiness on his voice

They talked about the trip to Norway, the mysterious lights, and what happened since last time they saw each other. Finally, after an awkward silence, Guggi said he wanted to keep in touch with her, to see each other every time they could, that he enjoyed spending time with her. Since they both lived in Europe, it was not that hard to keep seeing each other. A flight from Berlin to Dublin is a 3 and a half hour flight, or they could see each other in any country between Ireland and Germany. They agreed to see in Dublin, three weeks from now. Eli hanged the phone with a smile on her face, and thinking she was lucky after all. She couldn't wait to see him again.

On the other side of the world, Sun was trying hard to take Bono out of her mind. She still felt his eyes, gaze, touch and smell like he was around. She couldn't concentrate at work. Sun tried to find his eyes in other people, but no other eyes where like his. She tried to work harder, do more projects and occupy her time not to think of him, but it didn't work.

She didn't tell anyone about Bono, the only one who knew was Eli. She thought nobody will believe her, since she didn't have a photo with him. How idiot I am I didn't took a picture of him, she said to herself. She never took a picture since she had a real view of his eyes, gaze and charm. Things that a camera couldn't take. Anyways, she had million pictures of him in her mind. But she had something more than a picture; she had something that will remain forever on her; his scar. Sun used to touch her lip to remember of him, it was the mark he left on her and will always be there. She also had a question without an answer in her mind; was Ali pregnant when she passed? Maybe that was the root of Bono's pain and sadness. She'll never know.

Bono was in France. Alone, at home. Thinking about her and how he fucked things up, now that he finally found someone he enjoyed passing time with. Someone who was with him not because he was famous or rich, just because she liked him. Someone who trusted him so much, that gave away her most precious gift, herself. He couldn't forget her bright brown eyes, her smile, her hair, her body. He didn't have any picture of her either the only thing he had was his memories and the painting he did of her. Every morning, Bono woke up and stared at the painting for some minutes. He didn't want to forget her. It was a way to keep his memories with him in detail.

He tried to get his number, but he didn't know her full name, which means he couldn't even get an address. The only hope he had, was waiting for Guggi to get him information. He knew about him and Eli. And that was the only thing he had, Guggi and the felling he would see her again.

Eli arrived to Dublin airport where Guggi was waiting for her. They kept in touch every day until the date arrived.

Both kissed and hugged each other strongly. Guggi was a nomad, so he was staying in Adam or Bono's place. Bono was still in France, so he left his house to his mate and his girl.

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