He'll be back: Part 5

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Eleanor had explained everything to Sweeney, they both agreed that they'd keep his identity a secret until they knew more about Lucy's new relationship. They didn't want to rush into this to fast, he did just get out of prison. She wasn't sure how her friend would end up reacting and Sweeney didn't want to ruin any of his wifes relationships. Yes he loved her and wanted her back, but he wanted to get to know her again, get close again then tell her who he really is.
They talked and they talked for hours, neither of them relized nor cared about how late it was starting to get. Eleanor was just happy to have him back to her! Sweeney, he was just happy to no longer be in prison.

The time flew by and soon enough, Lucy came in, arms linked with a young man, he was quite tall, short blond hair and beautiful green eyes! Eleanor had to admit that he was quite a looker! Oh he was beautiful, smart, rich and quite funny. Sweeney on the other hand wanted nothing more than to get rid of the dreadful man.. But he needed to keep his cool. If he wanted to get his life back, then he needed to take his time. But he just didn't want to wait.

"Hello Eleanor! Who's the man?" Lucy asked once she saw Sweeney turn around and look at her, she recognized him from earlier and still felt uneasy at how he was looking at her.. So she really did want to know why that man was still hanging around for no reason.

"His name is Sweeney Todd and he's an old friend of mine." Eleanor said to her friend and gave her a smile. "Good evening Samuel, did you two eat already?" She asked the pair kindly, avoiding answering to much of the question, she wasn't exactly lying

"Yes, and guess what he did?" Lucy said happily.

"And what did he do?"

"I am going to be his wife!"

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