Ch.52 Heartbreak chat

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Now at Elena and Olivia's house and in the living room, Elena showed Terrence her shoe box that contained the items of memories of their relationship. And while doing so, Olivia, Mira, and David couldn't stop watching them from the kitchen.

"Look how happy they are" Olivia remarked with a smile "I can totally see them getting married someday."

"You know David" Mira spoke "They kinda remind me of us when we were in high school, besides the whole evil thing."

"Did you keep a box that had memories of our love?" he questioned.

"I should of but no. Although, I've been thinking, I know we're younger duplicates and all, but by the time we break this curse, or if we ever break this curse, you think we'll be there to see her wedding?"

"Why wouldn't you guys be?" Olivia asked.

"Because when you're a younger duplicate of your original self, you can't stay forever, that's the rule" she explained with a sad look "Pretty soon David and I are gonna have to go."

"What do you mean by that? You don't mean like, disappear forever do you?"

"Well that depends, sometimes younger duplicates do disappear forever, and if they're brought back they lose their memories of what they saw. And sometimes they go off to a different realm where they can do whatever they want. Because younger duplicates don't grow up, they don't have the same lifespan as their original selves. We're like Peter Pan, we're mortals, but we never grow up, that's just how it works."

Even though they weren't her parents, Olivia could feel her heart breaking as she turned to Elena who was still chatting with Terrence, too distracted to hear what they were talking about.

"How do you know if you two will either disappear or go off to that other realm?" she asked.

"Oh we'll most likely go the other realm because we're not evil like that" David replied "The disappearing thing is only for those younger duplicates who deserve it. But like what Mira said, we'll stay young forever while you, Elena, and everyone else grows up. That's just how it works, and there's nothing we can do about it."

"But-" she mumbled sadly "Will we ever see you guys again?"

"That's what I'm afraid of" Mira answered with a worried look "A lot of the times no one sees their younger duplicates anymore, even if they go to the other realm. No one knows why that happens, but it's very rare when it does, and it may not happen to us."

"But, when will that happen? Do you decided when you're ready to go?"

"Usually we do, and we're thinking about doing so as soon as we break this curse and we go back to Ever After. Because we, or in this I wont be needed anymore."

"But you are needed" Olivia urged "You and David are our friends, and you guys are Elena's parents, she needs you."

"But she has to grow up" David put in sadly "Every child has to grow up and they wont need their parents anymore. But don't forget, Mira's original self is still out there, she'll be there for Elena."

"Yeah but you wont. You're original self is dead, or out of existence. It was really hard for Mira to get you back. And Elena was really happy to see you again, but now you're gonna have to go."

"Hey this hurts me as much as it'll hurt Elena, but once again, she'll have to grow up. Although we'll still be watching her, it's just she wont see us."

Olivia bit her lip as she turned back to Elena again who was still chilling with Terrence.

"Does she know?" she asked.

"Not at the moment" Mira answered "We wont tell her until we're ready, and you can't tell her too."

"Oh man" she whined "I hate keeping secrets, especially from Elena, I mean you remember the last time that happened, she was really pissed at me, and we almost lost Terrence."

"We know" Mira sighed "But this is for her own good, we will tell her, just not right now."

She then gave a sad sigh while turning to Elena "I just hope I'll at least be able to see her get married. I mean my original self will be there but, I wanna see it too, and so does David. But we wont know until we find out."

Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing as she looked back at Elena, already feeling her heart aching for her best friend who will have to lose both of her parents someday. And that she'll have to keep this secret from her until it's time made her heart ache even more.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang, wondering who it was, Olivia went up to the door and answered it to see Brooke.

"Oh hey Brooke" she greeted "What are you doing here?"

"I heard that you guys got another item to help break the curse" Brooke explained "Do you still have it?"

"Oh yeah come on in."

Once inside, Elena got up from the couch and made her way towards her.

"Hey Brooke" she smiled "You here to see what we have?"

"I am" she stated with a smile.

"Well here it is" Elena took off Emerald's necklace she was wearing and handed it to Brooke "I was wearing it for safe keeping. This is Emerald Oz's necklace, we were originally aiming for her scepter, but she gave us this instead, she says it has the same magic as her scepter and should help us break the curse."

Brooke took the jewelry and examined the emerald.

"This is great" she remarked in a smile "We're getting closer. I'll go put this in the curse breaking safe."


After Brooke headed out, Elena suddenly got a thought that got her wondering.

"Hey what do you guys think Brooke does when she's home?" she wondered.

"Probably reads and writes" Mira answered.

"Well I kinda wanna know what she does, what's it like being the new Author and a Narrator at the same time?"

"I bet it's hard" David put in "Having to write down everyone's stories."

"Well whatever she does, I'm pretty sure it's nothing to worry about."

Epilogue coming next

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now