Ch.17 Family dinner

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(Flashback) During dinner, Lilly was too nervous to eat, she couldn't stop taking glances at Mary-belle, wondering when she was going to strike.

"So Lilly" her aunt Mary suddenly spoke "How's school?"

"Good" she replied with a fake smile as she stared at Mary-belle through the corners of her eyes.

"So how's Mary-belle doing with homeschooling?" Bo Peep questioned her sister.

"Great actually" Mary replied with a smile "She's such a sweet girl, and she's getting a lot of progress done."

Lilly gave a sick look, if only she had a way to show them how wrong they were. But as she tried to eat, Mary-belle got up and supposedly headed to the kitchen, but when she walked pass Lilly, she 'accidentally' tripped forward and spilled her soup onto Lilly who was full of shock at what happened.

"Oh sorry Lilly" Mary-belle apologized in a sarcastic tone.

Lilly's face turned red with anger as she gritted her teeth at her cousin.

"Let's get you cleaned up" her mother offered as she and Mary took Lilly away from the dining room.

Mary-belle gave a sneaky smirk as she tried to head into the kitchen when Peter stopped her.

"I saw that" he growled "You're not as sweet as your mother says you are."

"I'm sorry did I ask for your opinion haircut boy?" she frowned as she walked off.

Now feeling Lilly's pain, Peter knew he had to do something to show everyone who Mary-belle really is, but how?

The next day, since it was Friday, meaning it was the night of her anniversary with Terrence, Elena felt so excited for what the surprise he had for her as she touched up her makeup in her locker mirror.

"So..." Olivia grinned as she went up to her "You excited for your anniversary with Terrence after school?"

"Why else am I touching up my makeup?" Elena smirked.

"So did he tell you where you guys are going?"

"Well first we're going to have dinner at the 'Giant's Castle', the place where we had our first date. Well not technically our first date cause we did that back at Ever After, but our first here in Storybrooke. That's all he told me, so I'm guessing either during dinner or after dinner is when he's going to surprise me."

Just as she closed her locker, they were about to head to class when they nearly ran into the one person who Elena had tried to forget about.

"Zach?" her eyes widen "What are you doing here?"

"Just looking around" he replied "Trying to see if I can find DG's friends."

"Well I don't think you'll find them here, cause we've never seen them here at school."


"Just keep looking" Olivia advised "You'll find them eventually."

As they walked passed him, Zach turned to Elena and watched her head off, not knowing that his sister was sneaking up behind him.

"Looks like you got yourself a little crush" she smirked which startled him.

"Don't do that again" he ordered "And no, I don't have a crush."

"Don't lie to be bro, it's obvious you like Raven, or is it Elena? Whatever everyone calls her here. It's a shame that she's taken."

"I know" he declared "And I accept that."

"Are you sure?" she doubted with her smirk.

"Yes" he assured "Now if you would excuse me, I gotta go."

As he took off, an idea suddenly came to Willow as she gave a sneaky smile.

"So Zach likes Raven and Raven is already in a relationship huh? I think I'll put my motive to the side, I got a relationship to ruin."


Still at Bailey's farm, the Ozians who were in the living room were playing a game of cards when Bailey entered.

"I'm gonna go work in the barn" she announced "So if you need me you'll know where to find me."

"Hey thanks again for doing this for us Bailey" Sunny thanked "We really appreciate this."

"I'm glad I can help" she smiled as she headed out just as Jacob entered.

"So Jacob" Tim spoke up "How's it like living with Bailey?"

"It's fine" he replied casually "I mean she is my best friend so we get along just fine. By the way, do any of you know how Mary-belle's doing?"

"Not really" Leo shrugged "We haven't seen her in a while, she's either dead and we don't know it, or just hiding."

"In my opinion-" Sunny spoke up "I hope she's dead. Wow, I'm such a bad person."

"I just hope she doesn't come here" Tim said "We already have a witch after us, and if a Black Sheep comes after us too, we might as well just give up."

"Well don't worry" Jacob assured "People barely know about this area expect for our closest friends, if Mary-belle does comes here, it'll be hard for her to find us."

"Hey Jacob!" they suddenly heard Bailey call from the farm "Can you come help me real quick!"

"How can we hear her all the way from the farm?" Sunny questioned astonished.

"Pretty cool huh?" Jacob smiled "I'll be back."

And with that he headed out leaving them alone in the living room.

"I bet you all he has a crush on Bailey" Leo suddenly smirked.

"Leo" Sunny gasped with a small giggle "Just because he's living with her doesn't mean he likes her, he's just her friend, and besides, she's too old for him."

"Well if he does like her he may not think so."

"Just stop trying to make bets, I already lost 10 bucks to you when we had that bet on whether or not that man was going to propose to his girlfriend back in Oz."

"Well how did you not see that coming? I thought girls knew everything about love and when to expect it."

"Yeah well in case you forgot, back in Oz I didn't have a brain to allow me to think whether or not it was going to happen. So that bet was pretty unfair to me."

"Well I'm sorry you didn't have a brain" he rolled his eyes as she gave him a shove.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Tim offered as he went up to the door and opened it.

And when he saw who it was, his eyes widen as he felt his stomach flop.

"DG?" he gasped.

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