Ch.50 Farewell

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As soon as school was over for Elena and her friends, everyone met up with the Ozians in front of the diner to say goodbye.

"Thank you all so much" DG thanked "You really helped us a lot."

"It's what we do" Elena smiled "You all already know how to get home?"

"We do. And since we'll be traveling by my silver shoes, we have a little something for you guys."

She then pulled out a tornado in a jar.

"This tornado in a jar can help transport you to Oz whenever you wanna come visit. All you gotta do is opened it as a tornado will came and take you to Oz. Don't worry, it's not as dangerous and crazy as it sounds, you wont even feel yourself being lifted."

"Thanks" Elena smiled as she took the offering and admired the way the green tornado kept spinning in the jar.

"So what about Willow?" Olivia put in "You guys know where she is yet?"

"I'm afraid not" DG sighed.

"There's no need to look for me" everyone turned to see Willow who was still covered in bruises and scratches along with a busted nose and lip from the fight.

"Damn" Aidan gasped "You look pretty messed up."

"Well no dip Captain Obvious" she grunted.

"Are you heading back to Oz now?" DG asked her.

"I am. But if you're gonna put me in jail, you're gonna have to catch me first."

"Well since you don't have magic, I'm up for the challenge."

"Just because I don't have magic anymore doesn't mean I'm not wicked anymore" Willow frowned.

"You're never giving that up are you?" Sunny questioned "You're gonna keep on being wicked, even in jail?"

"At the moment, yes. And to be honest, I don't really care anymore of how long I have to stay in jail. If it's forever, then so be it. I guess it's my fate."

"You're taking this surprisingly well" Tim commented with a concerned look "Should we be worried?"

"If you wanna worry, go ahead. I'm not the same without my magic, I feel so- dull."

"Well get used to it" DG stated "Cause you're gonna be without it for a very long time."

Willow gave her a death glare before turning to Zach.

"You surprise me Zach" she remarked with a frown "You didn't even bother to help your own sister."

"I only help people who treat me like family" he declared while crossing his arms "I'm sorry it came down like this, but it's for the good in everyone."

She felt her blood boil while giving him a mad look.

"Very well" she grunted "Be that way."

She then turned to Elena "I don't even have words for you. Well actually I do, but I wont say it because there's people around."

"I can only imagine" Elena smirked.

"But I will say this. You disgust me. You would rather live your life as a non evil queen when you know how much powerful you could of gotten."

"Well in case you forgot, you're not the boss of me. I make my own decisions, and I'm proud of it. And if you wanna stay wicked without magic, I wont stop you. But I will advise you, sooner or later, you may regret it. You think having magic and being powerful will make you happy, but to be honest, it'll just make you more unhappy."

"Then maybe that's what I want" Willow declared in a frown "Because from what I heard, villains don't get happy endings."

And with that she began to walk off without turning back, leaving everyone speechless for a moment.

"Did anyone else get the chills for a moment?" Aidan suddenly asked.

"I guess we'll have to deal with her later" DG stated "But right now, we should get going."

And with that everyone began to bid farewell to the Ozians as Amanda went up to Leo.

"So-" she began to say with a small smile "Finally going home huh? How do you feel?"

"Excited" he replied with a smile "But at the same time I'm gonna miss this place."

"You can always visit, just like how I may visit Oz someday."

"Well when the time comes I'll be waiting."

"And so will I" she smiled "And I also got you a little goodbye gift."

She reached into her purse and pulled out a bag on catnip.

"Just a little something to enjoy" she grin as he gave a small chuckle.

"Thanks" he accepted the gift.

"Remember, don't use it a lot. I recommend every few months or so, and try not to sniff too much."

"I know" he assured with a smile.

She gave a small giggle as they went into a hug.

"Hey what about that Mary-belle chic?" Tim suddenly spoke "Isn't she coming?"

"Oh no Bailey told me that she's gonna be staying here for a bit" DG explain "They got a lot of catching up to do."

"Elena" Emerald spoke "Be sure you hold on to that emerald, it may look ordinary, but it's really powerful."

"I'll guard it with my life" Elena promised with a smile.

"I know you will" she smiled "Well I bid you all a farewell, it was nice meeting all of you. And I hope we meet again."

She then started to take off away from the group.

"Emerald where are you going?" Grace asked.

"I still have my hot air balloon out in that empty field" she explained "I'm gonna fly it back home."

"Alright" DG replied "We'll see you there."

After she headed off, the rest of the Ozians faced everyone with smiles.

"Well we should get going" DG declared "Thanks again you guys. Come visit Oz whenever you like."

"And come visit Storybrooke too whenever you like" Elena put in with a smile.

"Oh we will" she assured in a smile as she turned to her friends "You guys ready?"

They gathered around her and held onto her and each other. They all gave their friends one last wave and smile as DG who was wearing her silver converse shoes clicked her heels 3 times as they all disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Well there goes another adventure" Olivia smiled.

"What do we do now?" Terrence wondered.

"Well-" Elena grinned while facing him "I think now would be a good time to show you a shoe box with things you'll find very impressive."

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