Ch.31 Asylum search

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(Flashback) The next day and back at the pub again, Willow took her seat at a table in the far corner where she took a sip of her drink while thinking about Frank and Raven. Even though Raven told her that she felt nothing for Frank, she didn't know if Frank felt the same way, and if so that means she'll never have a chance.

"Are you trying to hide?" she looked up to see Frank.

"You can say that" she mumbled "No one wants to be near a witch."

But at that point he took the seat in front of her.

"But maybe I do" he declared as she gave a small smile.

"I heard you got interviewed yesterday" she put in.

"I did, she's a student at Ever After High, do you know her? Name's Raven Queen."

"We've crossed paths" she replied, not wanting to tell him about yesterday.

"Well she's really nice" he smiled "And not at all like her mother."

Just talking about her made her feel sick to her stomach as she tried not to show it.

"Well um-" she started to say "I don't think she'll be coming back to Oz."

"Oh I know, she told me yesterday. I just hoped I was able to help her with her assignment."

Not wanting to talk about Raven anymore, Willow tried to come up with another conversation that didn't involve her.

"So um, when are you going back home?" she asked.

"I think in a few days, I wanna try to enjoy more of this part of Oz. Like this for example."

She gave a small smile just as the waiter brought a drink from Frank.

"You know-" he smiled "We never really got a chance to fully get to know one another. So why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

"What do you wanna know?"


At that point she gave a small smirk.

"Alright" she said "Why don't I start with the story of how my mother became green, causing me to get her genetics?"

Now in the hospital, the Ozians followed Elena to the door that led to the asylum where they went in and down the stairs and into the front entrance. And after getting permission from the clerk, they all went down a hall while checking the cells.

"Should we split up?" Leo questioned.

"Well that depends" Elena replied "Maybe I can use magic to locate her, but I need something that belongs to her in order to do so."

At that point the Ozians began to search themselves for anything that belonged to Sunny, but nothing.

"What about you Leo?" Elena put in "You're part lion, do you have her scent?"

"The only time I have someone's scent is when I smell their blood" he responded "So in order for me to find her, she'd have to be bleeding so I can following her scent. And right now, I got nothing."

"Okay that's good" DG remarked "That means that she's still alive."

"But how are we suppose to find her?" Tim asked "Do what Leo said and split up?"

"Well that seems to be the only other way" Elena sighed "Let's do it."

After splitting up, DG and Zach went their way down another hall while searching every cell and room.

"It must suck having to live here" she remarked in a sigh "You're locked up like animals, treated like subjects, and worst of all your mind is driving you crazy."

"You think whoever killed Emily was crazy?" Zach questioned "Like they had mental issues?"

"It's a possibility, but remember that that murder was most likely not planned, usually people with mental illnesses plan out their motives. At least that's what I heard."

"Well we haven't found any evidence that could prove that. In fact by the time we get back to Oz, I don't think there's even gonna be more evidence. This crime seems almost impossible and very little clues and suspects."

"You're telling me" she agreed "For all I know this case could remain unsolvable, and that means my friends will keep on being accused."

He could see the sadness in her eyes as she looked down to avoid eye contact.

"I'm really sorry DG" he muttered with a sad look "But I promise you I wont stop helping until we bring the real killer to justice."

She sighed as she looked back up at him.

"How is it that you're related to Willow?" she wondered.

"I didn't wanna believe it either" he stated with a small smirk.


Down another hall, Elena, Tim, and Leo searched everywhere for Sunny, but no luck.

"I still can't believe Willow would do something like this" Leo remarked "I mean I get that she's wicked, but I didn't think she'd be that wicked."

"You don't know what can go on in a witch's head" Elena stated "Sometimes they're much worse than they appear."

"What I wanna know what spell she's planning on casting that involves Sunny's brain and all of our other things" Tim declared "The only thing I know is that this spell is considered impossible, and supposedly if someone manages to cast it, it could be the end for all of us."

"Elena do you know what spell Willow could be planning on casting?" Leo asked.

"Well-" she sighed "There's a lot. I mean the dark curse on Ever After High which brought us to Storybrooke was considered impossible, but my mother did it anyway. And there's other ones, but I don't know which one I could see Willow casting."

"You think Willow's doing this because of you?" Tim suddenly questioned.


"We all know that you and Willow had a rough history, but do you think whatever spell she's planning on casting has to do because of you?"

At that point a thought came to her.

"Now that I think of it-" she said as her face lit up "Back then she did accuse me of something I didn't do, and she was really pissed."

"What did she accuse you of?"

She sighed "She thinks I'm the cause of the disappearance of a prince."

At that point Leo and Tim felt their stomachs drop.

"Prince Frank?" Leo questioned with his eyes widen.

She sighed again "Yeah."

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