Ch.20 Depression

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(Flashback) Once she got back home and into her room, Lilly who was still damped from the pond explained to Peter about what happened with her and Mary-belle.

"Damn" he breathed in shock "What a bitch."

"I know" she grunted "Now I'm just hoping those cameras you set up will catch her in the act."

"Oh believe me, they will" he assured with a smirk "Now all we gotta do now is wait."

"Well while we're waiting, get out so I can change."


Once he was out of her room, Peter decided to go downstairs when he soon ran into Mary-belle who had changed into some dry clothes, but still had her eye makeup smeared down her face.

"Ever heard of a thing called 'watch where you're going' Dutch boy?" she frowned.

"Yes I have-" he replied "And clearly you need to work on it."

She stood there offended as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Well aren't you a peach" she grunted.

"Well I do love peaches" he smirked as she followed him into the kitchen where he pulled out a peach from the refrigerator.

"So are you like Lilly's only friend or what?" she asked him with a frown.

"Of course I'm not her only friend. Unlike you, she's nice, sweet, and has more friends. One of them happens to be Snow White's daughter."

"Well isn't that nice" she grunted while crossing her arms.

"You know-" he said while munching on the peach "If you could be nice for once, you could have some friends too."

"Well maybe I don't want friends" she scowled.

"Fine" he shrugged "Then be alone for the rest of your life. I'm sure it'll be pleasant."

"No wonder your only friend is Lilly, when clearly she's too old to hang with a child like you."

"You know what?" he frowned "One day you're going to regret all of this."

"Oh go choke on that peach" she growled.

"You're really funny" he teased as he headed out the kitchen "Oh by the way, it's not Halloween yet."

As he went up the stairs, Mary-belle looked into a nearby wall mirror and saw her smeared eye makeup. She growled as she used her fingers to try to wipe it off, only to smear it some more making it worse, causing her to growl some more while storming off into a room.

Once they got back home, Elena was still both upset and angry about what happened at the restaurant as she stormed inside.

"Elena I'm sorry I blurted it out" Olivia apologized while following behind "But at least now you got that secret off your chest."

"And now he thinks I have more secrets hiding from him" Elena scolded "He's not answering any of my calls and texts, it's official, he's pissed at me."

"Hey this wouldn't of happened if you would of just told him the first place."

"Oh you're saying this is my fault?!" she snapped "What about Willow? I'm sure she had something to do with this."

"Well by the look of her face when I said that Zach tried to kiss you, she seemed just as surprised as Terrence was."

"You don't know, she could of been acting."

"I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think she was."

"Who's side are you on?" Elena snapped.

"Oh you're making me choose sides now?" Olivia argued offended "Well let me tell you a little something. I found Terrence passed out in the computer lab right before we showed up at the restaurant, I don't know what happened, but I'm pretty sure it was Willow's fault. And once again, I'm sorry for blurting out your dirty little secret, but I'm actually glad I did. I know Terrence is pissed at you right now, but he wouldn't be if you would of just told him before."

And with that she headed into her room leaving Elena more angry than before that she couldn't even get her words out. So instead with her blood boiling, she slopped down on the couch, and didn't bother to move. That is until she suddenly got a text as she pulled out her phone and read the text from Lauren.

Lauren: Hey I'm with Zach and he told me what happened at the restaurant. He wants u to know that he's really sorry and he didn't mean for anything of it to happen. And he'll promise to stay away from u.

All of this drama has made her forget about Zach, but now that she was told that he'll stay away from her, she figured it may be for the best. She then decided to focus on something else- getting rid of Willow. Now that DG found her friends, she had to help them get out of Storybrooke and back home before Willow gets them.

But until then, she just wanted to stay on the couch, and let her depression run through her mind.


After the restaurant, Zach sat on the bench in front of the diner with his thoughts focused on what happened earlier. All he could feel was the guilt rising, because of him, Terrence wouldn't of found out about him and Elena, and he wouldn't be mad at her.

"Well-" Willow suddenly arrived with a smile on her face "That was interesting."

Knowing that it was basically her fault, Zach felt his blood boil as he turned to her.

"You're a real bitch" he scolded.

"Excuse me?" she played dumb.

"I you were the one who made Terrence late, and I realized that you were the one who sent that fake text to me telling me to go to the restaurant for 'dinner' with DG and her friends, but they never showed up."

"I'm surprised you actually fell for that" she giggled.

"You know what?" he suddenly snapped "I am done helping you, cause all you do is cause problems to those who don't even deserve it."

"Well Raven deserved it."

"What do you have against her anyway? I mean I get that you don't like that she's not following her evil ways, but I know there's more to the story, so why exactly do you hate her?"

"I could tell you-" she smirked "But maybe I wont just to annoy you."

And with that she walked off, leaving him feeling both angry and curious about what she wouldn't tell him.

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