Ch.49 Motel talk

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That evening at the grocery store, after stocking up more items, Amanda and Leo took a break outside where they sat at the curb on the empty street snacking on chips.

"So it's okay for you to take food without paying?" he questioned.

"Only a couple times a week" she replied "Especially those that are close to the expiration date."

He gave an amused look.

"So-" she added "I heard you're going back to Oz tomorrow."

"Yeah" he sighed "After a long time of living in the real world I'm finally going back home."

"You're so lucky, you get to go home while I still have idea when I'll see Ever After again."

"And you will, I mean Emerald just gave Elena her her emerald necklace which should help break the curse, so you guys are getting closer to home."

"Yeah but how long until that happens?" she wonders "I'm not gonna wait until after graduation that I finally get to go home. If I was gonna graduate in Storybrooke, then I want everyone's families to witness the celebration."

"I feel you" he agreed in a sigh "But don't give your hopes up, you'll make it."

She returned the sigh while plopping a chip into her mouth.

"Hey you can try to visit Oz someday" he put in "It's a really cool place."

"I'd love to" she smiled "But how? Are we like suppose to summon a cyclone or something?"

"You know what?" he smiled back "I'll show you tomorrow, cause I think you're gonna be pretty impressed."

"I'll be the judge of that" she smirked as they continued to snack on their chips.


In a room at the 'Dream Inn' motel, Zach and DG sat on a bed while she read from a book of questions as they each took turns answering.

"Okay" she spoke as she read out a question "What is your favorite thing to wear?"

"That would be this necklace" he showed her his necklace of Emerald City "I never take it off."

"Well mine would be my silver shoes obviously" she smiled as she went to the next question "Ever gotten poison ivy?"

"I've gotten poison oak, does that count?"

"I guess" she shrugged "As for me, no. Do you sing in the shower?"


"Are you sure?" she doubted with a smirk.

"Most of the times when I go into the shower, I'm usually stressed by Willow, and singing doesn't help me."

"Well maybe it will this time since she's gonna be behind bars for who knows how long."

"Eh" he shrugged.

"And as for me, sometimes."

But before she could read on, she suddenly got a text as she picked up her phone and read the message from Elena.

Elena: What time r u leaving tomorrow?

After a moment of thinking she replied with-

DG: I guess after school for u

Elena: K then, we'll see u tomorrow

And with that she put her phone down.

"Was that Elena?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, she was just asking what time we'll be leaving tomorrow."

"And what time is that?"

"Around 4 or so, the time she and her friends get out of school."

"You excited to go back home?"

"Of course, I mean I am gonna miss this town, even though I've only been here a few days, I like it here, it's a nice place."

"I know" he agreed "I really liked it here."

"But every adventure has to come to an end. Do you know what you're gonna do once we go back?"

"Well, after Willow gets settled with, I'm gonna hang out in her room, see what kind of shenanigans she keeps in there."

"Can I join?" she asked with interest.

"Of course" he smiled "First thing I wanna do is fly her broom."

"Do you even know how to fly a broom?"

"No, but I think I can handle it."

"Well if you fall into a lake or crash into a tree, I wanna be there to see it."

"And you just might" he chuckled as so did she "So what about you? What are you gonna do once we go back?"

"Well first I gotta go see my mom back in Kansas and tell her about it. I bet she's gonna laugh when she hears that Willow got her ass beat by the Evil Queen's daughter when no magic was involved."

"Oh yeah" he agreed in a chuckle "Hey uh, any chance I can meet your mom?"

"Well-" she thought about it "I suppose it wont hurt to come visit, you can even meet my dog Toto."

"I thought your mom's dog was dead."

"Yeah, but this is his great grandson which I named after him, and my mom loves him as much as I do. And I know he'll like you too."

"Well I can't wait to meet him and your mom" he smiled "Does your mom call you DG or by your real name?"

"Usually it's my real name, but I don't mind it."

"Do you mind if I call you Donna?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"Oh" he looked down.

"Yeah, the only ones who can call me Donna are my mom, adults, and high class people like Ozma, even though she doesn't."

"Okay then" he shrugged when he stood "I should get going, I gotta get ready to leave tomorrow."

"Alright" she stood up too "But before you go, I just wanted to say thank you again for taking me on that date, I really had a good time, and I hope we can do it again."

His lips curled into a smile "Maybe we can back in Oz."

She smiled back "I look forward to it."

He then spread his arms out as she giggled while going into the hug. With their arms wrapped around his each, DG could feel Zach's heart beating against his chest as she admired the way he held her tight. And as they pulled away, they both couldn't take their eyes off each others while bashful smiles on their faces.

"Well, bye" he spoke.

"Bye" she replied as he left the room.

After he was gone, DG paced around the room while thinking about what just happened while at the same time getting this feeling she never thought she would feel about him. And at that moment, she knew what she had to do.

"Yep I'm doing this" she declared as she ran out of the room and down into the lobby where she saw Zach who was just about to head out "Zach!"

Just as he turned to face her, she ran into his arms and placed a kiss on his lips while wrapping her arms around him. She wasn't even surprised when she felt him kiss back with his arms around her waist.

"I was wondering when you were gonna do that" he smirked.

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