Ch.39 Cousin forgiveness

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As soon as it was morning and at the motel, everyone gathered around Zach who they placed on the couch of the lobby just as Elena and Olivia entered.

"What happened?" Elena demanded.

"Willow's what happened" DG replied in a frowned "She tried to poison me with a poison apple, but Zach took the bite instead."

"Oh jeez" Olivia gasped when they spotted Zach on the couch, still motionless.

"What kind of apple was it?" Elena inquired DG.

"It was green."

"Does it matter what kind of apple it was?" Olivia asked Elena "Because in our story the apple was always red."

"Well it's kinda hard to know when you weren't the one who poisoned it" Elena stated "We gotta find Willow and see how to undo this."

"How are we gonna do that?" Sunny questioned with doubt "She could be anywhere."

"Then it looks like we got some searching to do. Although one of us should stay here with Zach in case something happens."

"I'll do it" Olivia offered.

"Okay then, everyone else, let's go."

Before they headed out, DG gave Zach one last sad look, hoping that they would soon find a way to wake him up.

"DG" Olivia said to her in a calm tone "He'll be fine."

DG gave her a small trustful smile as she followed everyone out to motel to once again look for Willow.


Now with her crook, Bailey followed the magic of the crook to locate Mary-belle and Jacob. Pretty soon she followed the crook to a cabin in the woods, after gaining her confidence with a stern look on her face, she marched her way to the door and used her crook to knock on the door with hard force. She waited until it was opened by Jacob as her eyes widen.

"Jacob?!" she gasped "Oh my God are you okay?!"

"I'm fine" he assured "But we're not going anywhere just yet."


And with that he grabbed onto her hand and pulled her in where he led her into the living room where Mary-belle was already sitting on the couch.

"Have a seat" he told Bailey.

"What's going on?" she demanded.

"Just have a seat."

With no other seats around, Bailey had no choice but to sit next to Mary-belle on the couch while staying as far away from her.

"Okay here's the thing Bailey" Jacob began to explain "Mary-belle told me what happened when you two were young and what happened to her sheep Bluebell."

At that point Bailey felt a hard pit in her stomach as she avoided eye contact while feeling the guilt she felt years ago rising again.

"And the reason this stupid feud is still happening is because Mary-belle just didn't have the guts to forgive you even though you apologized so many times and showed your guilt. But now, she has something to say to you."

Mary-belle took a deep breath as she turned to Bailey who still had her head turned away from her.

"Lilly" she began to say in a sigh "I'm-"

She hesitated as she tried to force her words out.

"I'm- Wow this is a lot harder than I thought."

"You can do it" Jacob declared calmly as she sighed again and gained up her confidence.

"Lilly I'm sorry" she finally spoke which caught Bailey's attention "I'm sorry I haven't been nice to you, I'm not for not forgiving you, and I'm sorry for being a bad friend."

At that point her eyes began to water as Bailey started to see guilt in her eyes.

"To be honest" she added in a sniff "I miss how things used to be. I miss having you as my friend. Even though Bluebell was my friend, you were always my best gal."

She then wiped a tear away as Bailey too began to feel her eyes widen.

"What the hell have we become?" Mary-belle sniffed "This is not how I wanted our lives to go."

"Then why didn't you fix it in the first place?" Bailey muttered.

"I was scared okay? I was also so focused on Bluebell that I forgot about our friendship. I guess I really am the Black Sheep of the family."

Mary-belle then clasped her hands again as more tears poured out.

"Well-" Bailey started to say "You do realized that you just went from black sheep to white sheep just by apologizing. And I forgive you, but do you forgive me?"

Mary-belle gave another sniff while wiping her tears away.

"You really are sorry aren't you?" she questioned.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"Then yes, I do forgive you."

Bailey gave a small smile as she scooted over and wrapped her arms around her cousin and pulled her into a hug as Mary-belle hugged back. Jacob watched the heartwarming reunion between the cousins with a proud smile, knowing that he had done the right thing to get them to talk things out.

"Hey Jacob" Mary-belle started to say "I'm also sorry for everything I've said and done to you, like this for example."

"It's fine" he assured "I mean if it wasn't for this you two wouldn't have made up."

"So what do we do now?"

But before anyone could answer, Bailey's phone started to ring as she pulled it out and answered it.

"Hello?... Oh hi Sunny... What's going on?... No I haven't seen Willow."

"Willow?" Mary-belle's face lit up "What's going on?"

"Hold on a second Sunny" Bailey said as she turned to her cousin "You know about Willow?"

"Yeah what are they doing?"

"Sunny and her friends are looking for her right now. Apparently she poisoned her brother and now they need her to wake him up but they can't find her."

At that point a thought came to Mary-belle as she held out her hand to Bailey.

"Give me your phone" she ordered as Bailey handed her her phone as she placed it to her ear "Sunny, this is Mary-belle... No don't hang up... It's fine now, I settled things with Lilly... Look I think I know where you can find Willow... No it's not a trap... Just hear me out... You must be hiding in that abandoned barn away from town... Yeah that one... Although you should hurry, cause I have a feeling she's going to cast that spell today... Good luck."

"Wait what spell?" Jacob asked.

"A powerful spell" she replied when she gave a guilty look "A spell that could happen because I gave Willow the ingredients."

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