Ch.24 Crushes

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After leaving the grocery store, Amanda and Leo headed to her home where they hung out in the living room.

"So do you like live alone or what?" he questioned as she brought in a bowl of chips.

"No I have a roommate" she replied as she joined him on the couch "I actually had to move out of my other friend's house cause her brother moved in with her, but lucky for me this house was available and another friend of mine moved in with me. She's the best."

"Where is she now?"

"Hanging with her boyfriend, so we're pretty much alone."

"Cool" he smiled interested.

"So-" she began while munching on a chip "You're name's Leo huh? Well that doesn't sound cliche at all."

"Actually my full name is Leonardo Lion II."

"Oh so your father's name is also Leo?" she questioned amused.

"What do you think the II means?" he replied with sarcasm.

"Well okay Mr. Sassy Pants" she smirked "So can you like, turn into a lion or what?"

"As a matter of fact I can" he smiled "I don't do it often though because it scares a lot of people."

"I wouldn't be scared, we're both technically cats."

"Yeah but you can't transform into a cat."

"So? I still have the features."

At that point she suddenly got an idea as she gave a sneaky smile.

"Speaking of features" she said "I just happen to have something that I know we'll both enjoy."

She then reached down into the side of the couch and pulled out a bag of catnip.

"Are you serious?" his eyes widen with astonishment.

"Relax-" she assured "It's not like I use this everyday, only once every few months."

"You sure?" he questioned with a concerned look.

"I don't do any other drugs I swear, it's just being part cat, I love me some catnip. You ever had some before?"

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

"Seriously?" she laughed.

"I'm not your typical house cat" he put in.

"Well that doesn't mean you don't have to try it."

He sighed, seeing how much she wanted him to try it.

"Just this once" he declared "Because I am not a drug person."

"Neither am I" she smirked as she opened the bag "Ready?"

"I guess" he shrugged.

"You got first."

After handing him the bag, he gave another sigh as he took a big sniff of the catnip as she did the same thing. He waited, but he didn't feel any changes.

"I don't feel anything" he stated.

"Just give it time" she grinned.


After Bailey had gone off to run some errands, Jacob went back inside with a bouquet of wild flowers in his hand as he went into the kitchen, filled a vase of water, and placed the flowers in it. He then began to write a note on a nearby piece of paper when Sunny entered.

"Who are those for?" she asked making him jump.

"Um-" he began to say while thinking of an excuse "No one, it's just for decoration."

"Decoration" she doubted as she pulled the paper away from him and read what he wrote "Bailey, a little something for being my best friend."

She noticed that he was trying so hard not to blush.

"Hey don't be embarrassed" she smiled "This is sweet."

"Please don't tell anyone" he begged.

"Why not?"

"Because isn't it weird for a guy like me to be giving a girl who's older flowers?"

"Not really, you're just wanting to show that she means a lot to you, and I think that's really sweet of you, she'll love it. And if you really want, I wont tell anyone."

"Thanks" he breathed in relief.

"But I gotta ask, you're not like, developing feelings for her are you?"

"Um- no" he replied hiding his nervousness "Why is there someone else?"

"Oh my God" she gasped as she began to laugh "So you do like her!"

"Dammit!" he cursed to himself.

"Don't worry I wont tell, but when did you start?"

"A while back" he confessed in a sigh "But it's just a crush it's not anything serious. Besides, she's too old for me, so I know it'll never happen."

"Aw" she pouted.

"It's fine" he assured "I mean at least you got someone your age who likes you for you."

"I'm sorry what?" she questioned confused.

"Oh" his eyes widen "You didn't know."

"Know what?"

He sighed "Well since I can't hide it anymore, Leo told me earlier that Tim had a crush on you back in Oz."

At that point she felt her heart race as her eyes widen "He did?"

"That's what Leo told me, and he has a pretty good feeling that Tim still likes you."

"Really?" she smiled with interest.

"You like him too don't you?" he smiled.

"Maybe" she stroke the flowers with a small smirk "Although I need to know, if he liked me before, how? Because he didn't have a heart back in Oz."

"Just because he didn't have a heart doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings."

"True" she nodded in agreement.

"Where's Tim now?"

"I think he's outside."

"Then go talk to him."

"Oh" she giggled shyly.

"Come on" he urged with a smile "I have the guts to give Bailey flowers, and now I'm telling you to have the guts and talk to Tim. I mean you guys are already best friends and all, so talking shouldn't that hard."

"Well now that I know that he likes me, it feels so different now."

"Well don't let it be different, he likes you, you like him, it shouldn't change anything."

She sighed "Maybe you're right. By the way, when Leo gets back, remind me to kick his ass for telling you and not me."

"I'll be the judge of that" he declared with a smirk.

But as she was about to head out, she suddenly got a text as she pulled out her phone and read the text from DG.

"Oh no" her eyes widen in shock.


"DG just texted me, her silver shoes are gone."

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