Ch.7 Murdered witch

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As soon as school was over the next day, Elena and Olivia met up with DG at the diner.

"Any luck on finding your friends at the motel?" Elena asked her.

"No" DG sighed "I looked everywhere, either they're not there, or they're really good at hiding."

"So about your friends-" Olivia put in "Are they the children of the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion?"

"Yeah. There's Sunny Scarecrow, Tim Tinman, and Leonardo Lion II, but we call him Leo for short."

"So what exactly happened to them? Do you know how they came here?"

"Well somehow they managed to escape from prison, and they must of wounded up at Ever After when the Evil Queen's curse happened."

"Oh" Elena bit her lip "Sorry about that, but you don't have to worry about my mother anymore, she's changed, and she's here too."

"The Evil Queen is here?" DG's eyes widen.

"Well her younger duplicate actually, but she's not evil anymore, you can trust her. She's actually trying to help us break this curse so we could all go home."

"And how's that going so far?"

"Well we're still searching for more ingredients, we recently got another one, but there's still more to come."

"Well do you know what ingredients you need to get? Maybe I can help."

"Well let me see."

Elena reached into her backpack and pulled out a vintage diary that belongs to their friend Destiny who was an oracle.

"Um..." she read over the list when she spotted one that caught her eye "Ah here we go, an emerald specter."

"You got one in Oz?" Olivia asked DG.

"Yes, it belongs to Emerald Oz, daughter of the Wizard himself. It's one of the sources for her magic."

"Magic?" Elena raised an eyebrow "I thought the Wizard wasn't a real wizard."

"He wasn't, but he was taught magic and now he's a real wizard along with Emerald. It's mainly their emeralds that gives them their magic."

"So does that mean we can't have her specter?" Olivia asked.

"I don't know, I'll try to talk to her about it, see if she can allow it since you guys need it to break this curse."


But just outside, hiding in the area between the diner and another building, Willow peeked out to see that no on was around and she turned to Zach.

"What a dump this place is" she grunted.

"I actually think it's quite relaxing" Zach opinionated.

"I'm sorry did I ask for your opinion?" she frowned "It's time for me to get into disguise, since it didn't work in Oz, I'm praying that I'll work here."

"Since when do you pray?" he doubted as she scowled at him.

After getting ready, Willow prepared her magic in her hands, and when she was ready, she cast her magic on herself. And by the time the magic was finished, she was no longer green, she looked like a normal girl along with normal clothes to blend in.

"Oh my God" she gasped while examining her hands "It worked? Quick give me a mirror."

"Um-" Zach looked around for anything to use as a mirror as he found a mirror shard near the garbage and handed it to her.

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