Ch.15 Enemy reunion

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(Flashback) One warm afternoon at Ever After High, Lilly-Bo Peep, daughter of Little Bo Peep strolled down the Village of Book Ends with a herd of sheep following behind as she made her way to the Beanstalk Bakery. There she made her sheep stay at a table as she went up to the counter and placed her order.

"Hey Peter" she greeted her friend who stood on top of a stool with his fingers inserted into the coffee machine to hold the drink in due to his story of being the son of the Hero of Haarlem.

"Hey Lilly" he greeted back with a smile "Hey uh, any chance you can fill in for me, my fingers are getting really numb."

"Sorry" she giggled "I'm just here to get a latte and then I gotta go."

"Well when you're free, you wanna hang?"

"Oh I can't" she replied sadly "I gotta go home and get ready for my family reunion tomorrow."

"Oh yeah isn't your cousin Mary-belle coming?"

"Unfortunately yes" she sighed "I swear she's like the Black Sheep of the family, she's so secretive and she brings so much shame."

"Why don't you just give her a chance? I mean you haven't seen you in years, maybe she's changed."

"I doubt it" she grunted "The last time I saw her when we were 10, she pulled my skirt down in front of my whole family."

Peter gave a snicker as she frowned.

"Sorry" he apologized "But I'm serious, give her a chance, and if she's still a bitch, then you don't have to see her anymore."

"I don't know" Lilly nervously sighed.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"Please" she begged.

"Don't worry I will" he assured "I'll see you then. But in the meantime, one of your sheep is eating that's guy's cupcake."

She turned around to see her sheep snacking on a sleeping guy's cupcake.

"Oh man" she whined "Not again."

"Are you sure it was Leo?" DG questioned Amanda once she arrived at the grocery store.

"I'm positive" Amanda assured "I can't believe I didn't notice it at first, but I'm sure it was him."

"Did you see where he went?"

"He went left, but I didn't see where he went from there."

"Well if he or any of my friends show up, call me immediately."

"Will do" she promised as DG went out the store.

But right before she could head off, she suddenly heard a familiar voice calling her from behind. And when she turned around, she was surprised to see Zach.

"Zach?" her eyes widen "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What do you think?" he replied dully.

She frowned "Willow's here isn't she?"

He nodded.

"And she wants you to find my friends" she added.

"But unfortunately for her, I'm not helping. And since you're here and trying to look for them, maybe we can work together like we used to in Oz."

"Um, for your information" she frowned "Because of your idea to send my friends to Ever After, they got swept into the curse and now they're missing."

"Well how was I suppose to know about the curse?" he snapped "Don't blame me, blame my wicked sister."

She gave a sigh "You're right, sorry. It's just these past few days have been really stressful for me, I can't my friends anywhere."

"Well luckily for you, you got an extra someone who can help."

"But what about Willow?"

"Well I took away the only thing that was suppose to help her locate your friends, but she may find another way soon, so I suggest we hurry."

"We would hurry if I had a frickin clue on where they are!" she exclaimed with frustration "I don't get it, this is a small town and yet they're no where to be found."

After a moment of thinking, a thought came to Zach.

"Have you asked everyone?" he questioned.

"Only those who claim they've seen them."

"What about that that sheep girl? You know the one who helped you back in Oz when her bitchy cousin threatened you and your friends?"

"Lilly-Bo Peep?" her eyes widen "You think she's here?"

"Why don't you ask?"

She pulled out her phone and began to call her friends, hoping that they'll tell them where they can find the Storybrooke version of Lilly-Bo Peep.


By the time it had gotten dark, Elena and Olivia decided to head to the diner for a quick night snack before going home.

"I can't believe you didn't tell Terrence about Zach" Olivia remarked with frustration as they waited for their order "You promised you would tell him."

"I know" Elena moaned "But like what I told Lauren, I don't think there's a reason to when Zach didn't actually kissed me because I told him I was taken, and once again he really didn't know."

"Well if you decide to keep this a secret from Terrence, he's gonna find out one way or another."

"Look I'm just trying to put that to the side and focus on finding DG's friends. And you should be doing that too."

"Fine" Olivia sighed just as Lauren handed them their to go box.

But as they headed outside, they suddenly heard a voice from behind.

"Raven Queen" it said in a sassy tone as they turned around to see Willow.

Even though she wasn't green anymore, Elena knew exactly who she was.

"Willow" she scowled.

"Wait you're Willow?" Olivia pointed "I thought you were green."

"And I thought you had black hair" Willow snapped with a smirk.


Willow then turned to Elena as she gave a small chuckle.

"Well look at you" she smirked "You haven't changed a bit, you're still the same goody two shoes you've always been, it sickens me."

"Good" Elena frowned "I hope it makes you want to die."

"Why would I wanna die when I have so much to do with my life? And speaking of things I wanna do, have you two seen 4 people from Oz?"

"No" Elena replied with her arms crossed "And even if we did, we wouldn't tell you."

"What exactly are you planning on doing with them?" Olivia questioned "Kill them?"

"Well in this town, maybe one of them will die. Oh who am I kidding? It's not a maybe, they will die."

And with that she walked pass them purposely hitting against Elena, leaving them wondering who the unlucky Ozian may be the one to die.

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