Ch.44 True killer

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When it was time, Elena made her way to the diner where she went inside and spotted Terrence at a table on his phone, and for some reason he had his backpack with him. With her parents and Olivia outside, she gained up her confidence as she made her way to him.

"Hey" she greeted.

"Hey" he greeted back in a mumble.

Already seeing that he was still mad at her, she gave a sigh as she took the seat in front of him.

"So uh-" she began to say while trying not to appear nervous "How's Aidan?"

"He's feeling better. He's actually waiting in my car right now."

"Good" she gave an awkward smile "Good."

After an awkward silence, Elena gave a sigh as she spoke up.

"Okay look-" she began "I know that you're still mad at me, but can we please move on with this? I feel terrible, I was stupid and selfish to keep that secret from you. I don't wanna be that girl anymore, the girl who keeps secrets from the ones she cares about."

She began to feel her eyes water as she continued.

"All I'm asking is for you to forgive me" she sniffed "I still love you, and I promise I wont do anything to hurt you, no more secrets. I promise."

Seeing the guilt in her eyes, Terrence gave a small smile.

"Of course I forgive you" he stated "I'm sorry I didn't want to talk to you before, it's just I was really hurt at what you did. But seeing how sorry you are, I realize I can't stay mad at you."

She gave a small smile while feeling her heart heal.

"And um-" he added "If it's not too late, I'd like to show you that surprise I had planned for you."

But before she could reply, she suddenly got a text as she groan while pulling out her phone and read the text from DG.

"Oh my God" her eyes widen.

"What?" Terrence questioned.

"DG just text me saying that she knows who framed her friends, I gotta get to the 'Giant's Castle'."

"Let's go."

They headed out the diner and towards their cars.

"Where are you guys going?" Mira asked.

"The 'Giant's Castle" Elena explained "DG finally knows who framed her friends her murder."

"Really?" Olivia gasped "Oh I gotta see this."

And with that they all got into their cars and drove up to the restaurant where they went inside to see Zach and DG at a table along with Emerald, Ozma, and Grace.

"Hey" Elena called as they went up to them.

"Thank you guys for coming" Zach thanked s he introduced the girls from Oz just as DG's friends entered.

"We're here" Sunny announced when they spotted their Oz friends "What the? What are you guys doing here?"

"We'll explain everything once Willow arrives" Grace stated just as Willow entered.

"Okay I'm here" she announced dully when she spotted the Oz girls "What the hell are you guys doing here?"

"Thank you all for coming" Zach spoke up "Now the reason I brought you all here is because I finally know who killed Emily East and framed DG's friends. Now how do I know that?"

He turned to Grace who was still holding the Magic Picture.

"This mirror is called the Magic Picture" he explained "It has the ability to show what it's seen, and this mirror just happened to be in the same room of the crime scene, meaning that it's witnessed the murder."

"I thought that mirror was broken" Willow put in "It probably doesn't even work."

"Oh really?" he doubted "First of all, it does work because I just saw the scene. And second of all, are you just saying that because you don't want everyone to know that you killed Emily?"

At that point it was dead silent in the restaurant, and all eyes were on her as she froze.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she declared while crossing her arms.

"Okay then" he replied casually "Then why don't we go ahead and show everyone what happened? Grace?"

Grace held up the mirror, and using her magic, she enlarged the image big enough for everyone to see as they watched the vision. It showed the empty room, and soon the door opened as Willow stepped in. She made her way to a book stand that contained the Grimmerie spell book as she flipped it opened and began to search through the pages.

"What do you think you're doing?" she turned around to see Emily who was holding onto Tim's ax.

"Well uh-" Willow began to explain when she noticed the ax "Why are you holding an ax?"

"I found it in the hallway" she replied while laying the ax against the wall "Finders keepers. Now what are you doing in here?"

"That is none of your business" Willow declared "Get out."

"Are you looking up spells from the Grimmerie?" Emily questioned as she went up to Willow and shoved her out of the way to see the page she was on "Oh my God, Time Travel Spell? That's like one of the most impossible spells to cast."

"So?" Willow grunted "It seems to be the only spell to bring back Frank. And besides, it was your advice that gave me this idea."

"I'm saying you shouldn't do it, I'm just saying that it's gonna be pretty hard to cast it when Grace is watching your every move."

"She's not watching my every move" she frowned "Although to make this easier, will you help me cast it?"

"Yeah... no" Emily smirked while picking up the book.

"What why?" Willow asked disappointed.

"Because I don't give a damn about your precious prince. Although now that I have the book, I can finally cast that spell to become more powerful than you. And by the way, once Grace finds out about this, how are you gonna handle your life without magic?"

"Why would you do this to me?" Willow demanded feeling betrayed.

"Because Willow" Emily frowned "We may both be wicked, but I know you're more powerful than me, but all that's about to change."

Willow felt her blood boil while clenching her fists.

"You know if you become more powerful than me" she scowled "You'll still get crushed by a house."

"At least I wont get water dunked on me and melt" Emily smirked "Now that's an even worse fate. Although good luck trying to find a guy who likes you. Oh who am I kidding? As if that will ever happen."

And with that she gave a wicked laugh while turned her back to Willow as she began to flip through the book. But at that moment, Willow's anger had risen as her veins popped through her clenched skin. At that point she spotted the ax against the wall, and just like that she picked it up, rose it above her head, and swung it down onto Emily's back.

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