Ch.38 Unforgiving story

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With still no response from Zach, DG began to panic just as Lauren came entered from the back room.

"What happened?" she gasped as she ran up to the scene.

"I don't know he just collapsed!" DG exclaimed when she noticed the apples when a thought came to her "He collapsed after taking a bite of that apple."

"Wait where did you get those?" Lauren questioned.

"What do you mean? You gave them to me."

"No I didn't. I just came back to close up."

"But you were already here" DG stated confused "I remember you giving it to me and then-".

At that point she realized it as her blood began to boil.

"Oh" she growled "Willow."


Now with DG's silver shoes, Willow made her way out of the motel and walked away proudly, thinking that DG had already eaten the apple. She headed off to the abandoned barn where she began to set up the ritual for the spell. After using a thick stick to create a circle with a cross inside, she began to place the different items at each end of the cross.

She placed the Golden Brain on the north, the Medal of Courage on the east, the Crimson Heart on the south, and the Silver Shoes on the west. But since it was getting late, she decided to cast the spell tomorrow when there's more light. So stepping out from the circle, she used her magic to cast a barrier spell around the circle and the items.

And after making sure they were secured, she gave a sneaky smirk before heading out the barn, knowing that tomorrow would be the day she would finally cast the spell.


With no sign of Jacob, Bailey began to get worried fearing that something had happened to him. She was about to head out and look when he phone suddenly rang as she picked it up to see that Jacob was calling.

"Jacob?" she gasped when she answered.

"Howdy cus" she suddenly heard a familiar Southern voice reply instead that sent chills down her spine "Remember me?"

"Mary-belle?" she gasped.

"How are you Lilly? Or is it Bailey Carter now?"

"What are you doing on Peter's phone?" Bailey demanded.

"Talking to you obviously."

"Well where's Peter?"

"Don't worry cus" Mary-belle smirked while sitting on a couch of a cabin "He's fine, you wanna talk to him?"

And with that she aimed the phone at Jacob who was sitting on the end of the couch with one of his wrists handcuffed to a pole of the couch.

"Bailey" he spoke into the phone with a mad look "Your cousin's a psycho!"

Bailey didn't get a chance to speak back when Mary-belle pulled the phone away from him.

"I wouldn't say psycho" she said to Bailey "I mean it's not like I'm gonna kill him."

"Then what do you want?" Bailey demanded.

"Oh you know what I want."

At that point Bailey gave a small groan.

"Where do you want me to meet you?" she questioned.

"Why don't you use your crook to locate me?" Mary-belle suggested "I mean, you did brand me remember?"

Feeling her blood began to boil, Bailey tried to stay calm as she replied.

"Fine" she concluded "When?"

"Tomorrow afternoon would be fine. All you gotta do is give me the crook, and I'll give you back your little Dutch boy. Do we have a deal?"

"I don't really have a choice do I?" she frowned.

"No you do not" Mary-belle smirked "See you then."

And with that she hung up.

"Can I ask you something?" Jacob suddenly questioned.

"No" she answered as he got up.

"Well I'm gonna ask you anyway" he frowned "Why do you hate your cousin so much? What did she ever do to you?"

"That is none of your business" she scolded.

"As a matter of fact it is" he declared "Did something happen between you two?"

"Why do you care?" she crossed her arms.

"Because whatever problems you two are having, maybe I can fix it."

"I doubt you could" she frowned.

"Just hear me out" he begged "Please, what happened?"

At that point he could see her eyes starting to water as she thought about it. And hoping that she would explain, she gave a small sigh and spoke.

"When I was young-" she began "I had this pet sheep named Bluebell. I got her when she was just a little lamb, she was really sweet and fun, she followed me wherever I went, she was basically my best friend. Lilly and I would always play with her, back when we use to be close. We played with her as she grew up into this beautiful sheep."

At that point she gave a sniff as she wiped her teary eyes.

"But then one day-" she continued "I asked Lilly to watch over Bluebell because I had to go to the doctors for a bit. But Lilly got distracted by a friend that she didn't notice Bluebell walking off. And by the time she was finished chatting with her friend, Bluebell had disappeared. We spent all night looking for her, but no luck. It then led to a whole week and still no sign of her. This went on for a few more weeks until we eventually had to stop because Bluebell was assumed dead.

I was so heartbroken, and so pissed at Lilly for getting herself distracted. Because of her, I wouldn't have lost my sheep. I never forgave her since that day."

Jacob watched in sadness as she wiped more tears out of her eyes and her nose was now red from the puffiness.

"Mary-belle I'm sorry" he said sadly "I didn't know."

"Do you have any idea how it's like to loose your best friend?" she gritted her teeth.

"Well, no but, I'm sure Lilly feels awful for what happened, but that doesn't mean you should be mad at her forever. She apologized right?"

"Like a million times, but my heart is still shattered."

"Then you still have time to fix it, fix it before it becomes permanent."

"I-" she hesitated with a nervous look "I- I don't know how."

"Well first you can start by freeing me."

She hesitated for a moment, but she then took out the key and unlocked the cuff around his wrist.

"Thank you" he thanked "Now, when Lilly get's here, you two are settle things the right way, once and for all."

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