Ch.34 Witch's warning

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(Flashback) The evening after the lightning incident, Willow made her way to Quadling Country where she met up with Grace in the meeting room and explained what had happened.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Frank" Grace stated with a sad look while sitting across from Willow at the glass table "But he did sacrifice himself to protect Ozma, so at least he did something heroic."

"Yeah well now he's gone" Willow scowled "We don't even know if he's alive or not."

"Well it's hard to tell, since this wasn't a normal lightning strike, it'll be hard to determine where he is."

"Then who cast it then? Raven said she didn't do it, but I'm not sure about that. I mean she's the daughter of the Evil Queen for crying loud, perhaps her good behavior is just part of an act."

At that point Grace gave a disappointing sigh.

"Willow-" she began to say "You can't always point your finger at someone who you assume did something without the proper evidence."

"But there is evidence" Willow argued "She has dark magic, it's in her blood, the clouds were purple like her magic-".

"But she had no motive to harm Ozma" Grace cut in "We both agree that whoever cast the clouds was clearly meant to harm Ozma, but Raven had just met Ozma the other day and clearly has no motives."

"How can you be sure about that?" Willow doubted "You're not a mind reader."

"I'm not, but I can tell when someone is just trying to put the blame on someone they don't like. It's obvious that you care for Frank, and I heard that you were jealous when you found out that Raven was interviewing him, fearing that something could go on between them."

"Well have you seen her?" Willow scolded "She's surprisingly gorgeous, more than me."

"You always have to stop judging everyone by their looks" Grace ordered "Including yourself."

"Well I'm green, and Frank was the only guy who didn't care that I look like a freak."

"That means he has a kind heart, and I'm glad he didn't fear you. But when you see someone you like talking to a person of the opposite sex, it doesn't automatically mean they're attractive to each other. In case you forgot, guys and girls can be friends, just like DG and her friends. Don't judge too quickly Willow, you'll regret it."

"Well how was I suppose to know that?" Willow snapped "I didn't get a chance to see if it was true or not."

"I'm sorry but, I don't know what else to tell you."

"Well I know what I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna find a way to get him back, no matter what it takes."

At that point Grace began to feel uneasy, knowing that Willow had in mind.

"Now Willow-" she began to say in a calm tone "I know what you're thinking, but there isn't an easy way to bring someone who's missing back."

"Then I'll find a way" Willow declared.

"Willow" Grace spoke, now with a stern look "Listen to me, I will not allow you to perform dangerous spells just to bring back Frank. I know that any spell to something this powerful always ends of catastrophe, and I won't allow that."

"But Grace-".

"No" Grace declared "I'm sorry Willow, but it's too dangerous for both you and everyone. And if you plan on doing something like that, I will have no choice to but to remove your pendant."

At that moment Willow felt her stomach drop as she looked down at her green pendant that hung around her neck.

At that moment Willow felt her stomach drop as she looked down at her green pendant that hung around her neck

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People barely care about the necklace, mainly because they had no idea what it does to witches.

"If I catch you planning on performing a dangerous spell-" Grace repeated "Then I will take away your pendant, and you will be powerless. Do you understand?"

Willow just stood there, frozen by Grace's warning.

"I said do you understand?" Grace echoed.

"Yes!" Willow exclaimed with frustration that made the good witch jump "I get it okay?!"

And with that she sprang up from her seat and stormed out the room while letting a tear drip down her cheek, and not caring about it burning her skin because she was too focused on the pain in her heart.

After the asylum incident, Willow wanted to get away from everything as she made her way to the abandoned barn and laid on the hay in the center of the barn and stared up at the ceiling, thinking what would of happened if she had managed to take Sunny's brain out of her head. But now that she lost all of the ingredients for the spell, she had no idea what else to do, and Frank will just be gone forever.

"Well you don't look too happy" a familiar Southern voice suddenly spoke.

Realizing who it belonged to, Willow sprang up and turned around to see the one person she almost forgot about.

"Mary-belle?" she gasped as she got up "How the hell did you get here?"

"It seems that everyone in Oz has a tornado traveler, and it's fun to use."

"Yeah but, what are you doing here? And how did you even know how to get here?"

"I work for you remember? Ever since I lost my warlord job I had to work for you, meaning that I'm always in your tower, and could hear everything you say in your room. And that's when I heard Storybrooke and here I am."

"Okay then" Willow concluded "Now why?"

"Because-" she smirked while taking off the woven tote she had on her shoulder "I got some surprises for you."

She reached into the tote and pulled out what appeared to be a golden brain as Willow gave a loud gasp.

"The Golden Brain saved for Sunny" Mary-belle smirked as she handed it to Willow as she then took out a golden medal with the word 'Courage' "The medal of courage saved for Leo. And-"

She pulled out a red glass heart "The Crimson Heart saved for Tim."

Willow was full of surprised as she stared at the items.

"How the hell did you get these?" she gasped "These items are protected by high security."

"Not when you're a sneak like me" Mary-belle grinned "And you're welcome by the way. Now all you gotta do is get those shoes."

"But why are you doing this for me?" Willow questioned.

"Oh I was just feeling generous, which kinda scares me. But I also came here for something else. Well more like, someone else."

Seeing the look of revenge in her eyes, Willow didn't even bother to wonder what she was planning on doing, she was now focused on the items that she knew this time would help her cast the spell.

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