Ch.13 Secretive

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After leaving the grocery store, Leo quickly made it back to the motel where he stormed into his room.

"Guys we got a problem" he announced "I think they're getting onto us."

"What do you mean?" Tim asked.

"You know that hot cashier girl from the grocery store I told you about? I think she knows who I really am."

"And what makes you say that?" Sunny asked.

"Because as I was leaving, he peeked in the store and noticed her calling someone on her phone while looking at our mugshots, and she seemed really surprised. And not only that, she told me that there's a girl here in Storybrooke looking for us."

Their eyes widen.

"You think it could be Willow?" Sunny said shocked.

"Or maybe even DG" Tim added.

"I don't know" Leo shrugged "If it is Willow what do we do?"

"Well I don't think we can stay here any longer" Tim declared "We gotta go."

"Where?" Sunny asked.

"Anywhere but here. But we gotta go now."

And with that they quickly began to pack. Once they were done and after peeking out to make sure no one was around, they made their way to the lobby and quickly checked out.

"So where are we going?" Leo asked as they headed outside "Back to the cottage."

"Maybe, but there could still be people searching since they know where it is now. I suggest we check it out, and if it's safe we'll move back. And if not then we better find another place to stay, or else we're gonna have to stay in the car."

"Oh jeez" Sunny breathed with her eyes widen.


Now at the diner, Elena waited for Terrence to arrive as she sat at the counter and dined on her sandwich.

"You know I had a feeling Zach would make a move on you" Lauren admitted.

"Yeah well thankfully I stopped him before he could actually do it" Elena put in.

"Are you gonna tell Terrence?"

"That's what I'm gonna do once he shows up."

Just then the door opened as Zach entered, making Elena's stomach drop as she turned away to avoid eye contact.

"Elena" he went up to her "Can we talk?"

"I'm actually waiting for my boyfriend right now" she told him.

"It'll be quick, I promise."

Elena could see the guilt in his eyes as she turned to Lauren who had her eyes on Zach.

"I'm watching" she warned while pointing at him as she went to the end of the counter.

"Look-" he sighed as he sat next to her "I wanna apologize again for yesterday, I really had no idea you had a boyfriend."

"It's fine" she assured "But now you know."

"And um, you probably don't wanna be seen with me anymore, and if you want that then I promise to stay away from you. But I'm hoping you can like forget that ever happen, because I really meant it when I said that I really admire you, and if it's not too late, I would really like to at least be your friend."

Elena could see how sorry he was, but she couldn't decide whether to accept his friendship or not. But before she could say anything, the door opened again as Terrence entered.

"Hey" he smiled when he went up to her "You wanted to see me?"

"Um-" she began to say as she turned to Zach.

"Who's this?" he asked while looking at Zach.

"Um, this is Zach" she introduced "And Zach this is my boyfriend Terrence."

"Nice to meet you" Zach held out his hand towards Terrence as they shook hands.

"You new here?" Terrence asked.

"Yeah he's here to look for the people on the mugshots" she explained.

"Oh how's that going?" he asked Zach.

"Still working on it" Zach replied "I'm actually meeting up with DG later to talk about it."

"Speaking of DG" Elena put in "I heard that you and DG didn't really get along back in Oz, is that true?"

"It's true for her, she didn't really trust me cause she thought I was bad news, but no matter how many times I show her I'm not a bad guy, she just wont fully trust me. And now, even though we're working together, she still doesn't completely trust me."

"And why's that?"

He sighed "It's a long story. But um, I should probably get going."

He got up as he turned to Terrence.

"It was nice meeting you" he said as he made his way to the door, turned around to see Terrence taking his spot in the seat, gave a sad look, and walked out.

"I hope he and DG find their friends" Terrence confessed as he turned to Elena "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh um..." she started to say.

Knowing she had to tell him about what happened between her and Zach, for some reason she couldn't do it. Ever since Zach apologized again and told her he wanted to be friends, she didn't know if she could say it.

"I uh-" she said while thinking whether or not she should just say it "I um... just wanted to know if I can get a hint for your little anniversary gift for me."

She felt a pit in her stomach, she hated keeping secrets from her boyfriend, but she couldn't control what she was saying.

"Well-" he replied with a small smile "If you must know, all I can tell you is it's going to be a night that you wont forget."

"You call that a hint?" she doubted.

"Yes" he smirked "Think about it. And that's all I'm gonna tell you."

She gave a dull look.

"Hey that's the point of a surprise sweetheart" he smirked "Just wait, it'll be worth it."

She gave a small smile as Lauren went up to her.

"Elena-" she said "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Elena excused herself from Terrence as she followed Lauren to the other side of the diner.

"What the hell was that about?" Lauren hissed "Why didn't you tell him about Zach?"

"I panicked" Elena replied with her teeth closed "It's just when Zach apologized about what happened, I saw how sad he was, and I just couldn't let Terrence get jealous over something that almost happened when Zach clearly didn't know."

"So you're just gonna keep this from him?" Lauren said in shock.

"I don't know" Elena nervously responded "I gotta think about it. The main thing is Zach will hopefully stay out of me and Terrence, and if he doesn't, I might tell him the truth."

"Might?" Lauren doubted "If I were you, I'd tell him now, because right now you're acting like a bad girlfriend for keeping a secret from him."

As she walked off, Elena could feel her guilt rise as she turned to Terrence, not knowing when she was going to tell him.

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