Ch.25 New prince

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(Flashback) A few days after arriving in Oz, Mary-belle had gotten accustomed to the land as she made her way up the stairs of Willow's tower and entered the lair where she found Willow working at her desk.

"I'm starting to like this place" she told her "It's interesting, no family to deal with, and I've already gotten a job."

"Already?" Willow said amused "Doing what?"

"Well before I tell you, there's something you need to know. I heard that a Prince is visiting Emerald City today, and I heard he's quite the bee's knees."

"I heard about that" Willow smirked "And he's super rich."

"I know" Mary-belle grinned "Maybe I sneak a few bucks from him."

"You go ahead and do that" Willow got up and grabbed onto her broom "I got some things to do."

"And by things you mean terrorize the people?" Mary-belle remarked.


And with that she got her broom ready as she flew out the opened window on her broom. Now flying through the sky, Willow zoomed down into the woods where she zipped through the trees while being careful not to bump into any. But as she was doing so, she suddenly spotted a young guy on horseback as she quickly turned her broom to avoid running into him, but at that point she lost control of her broom as she fell off and tumbled down the hill until she came to a stop. Now in pain, she tried to get up but found herself unable to.

"You okay?" the guy who was riding the horse asked as he ran to her.

"Not really" she grunted in pain as he helped her up.

But when she turned to face the person she nearly ran into, her heart skipped a beat, she noticed that he was really attractive, and he seemed really concerned if she was alright. She was about to say something when she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her arm when she noticed a bloody slice on her forearm.

"Yikes" he bit his lip when he spotted the cut "You know what I got a first aid kit with me right now, let me fix that up for you."

She followed him to his horse where he reached into the side pack and pulled out an alcohol bottle just as she noticed the medal he was wearing on his vest that read Hero.

"Nice medal" she commented.

"Oh thanks" he thanked as he began to mend her cut.

"What'd you earn it for?" she asked.

"I stopped a band of thieves from raiding a town."

She gave an amused look as he finished mending her cut.

"There you go" he concluded.

"Thanks" she rubbed the bandage.

"Hey uh, can you tell me how to get to Emerald City? I know I'm supposed to follow the yellow brick road, but I can't find it anywhere."

"Oh uh, I can lead you to Emerald City if you want" she offered.

"You will?" he smiled "Thank you."

She raised an eyebrow "How are you not afraid of me?"

"Should I be?"

"Do you know who my mother was?"

"Yeah, the Wicked Witch of the West."

"And you're not at all afraid of me?" she questioned surprised.

"Well are you like your mother?"

"You can say that" she shrugged.

"Well you don't seem like her right now."

"I know" she agreed "And I can't explain why."

"Well then, I don't know if you're like going to go all wicked on me or something. But I might as well introduce myself, I'm Prince Frank."

"Oh so you're the prince who's visiting Emerald City?" she remarked surprised.

"Yeah" he replied with a small smile "Mainly because I have a meeting with Queen Ozma and Emerald Oz."

"Well uh, I can still take you there if you want?"

"I'd like that" he smiled "And you are...?"

"Willow" she answered with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Willow."

After sending the text to her friends, DG gave a sigh of disappointment as she slumped down on the couch of her room of the motel.

"Yeah trying to hide something under the pillows doesn't always work" Zach stated.

"I can't believe this" she remarked as she sat up "My mom is going to kill me, I promised to keep those shoes out of harms way and I blew it."

"Don't worry, we'll get them back. Now there's a big chance that Willow could of taken them, and if that's the case, then we'll call Elena for help and try to find her."

"What I don't understand is why, I mean I get that my shoes are powerful and all, but Willow is already powerful, what does she wants my shoes for?"

"Well-" he sighed "I may have a theory."


"Willow didn't exactly tell me what she's planning on doing, but I feel like it has to do something with Elena."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well we both know that they have a rough history, and Willow wont even tell me why. But I do know that she doesn't just need your shoes, she also needs what your friends have."

"What do you mean by what my friends have?"

"You know how each of you are destined for a certain object? Like you get the shoes, Sunny gets her brain and so on. Well, all of those items are what Willow is after, so if she does have your shoes, then that would mean she's after Sunny's brain, Tim's heart, and Leo's courage."

DG couldn't believe what she just heard as she sat there in shock.

"Since she couldn't get the ones back in Oz-" Zach added "Coming here was the next best thing. Although I don't know how she can obtain Leo's courage."

"It's usually a sign of courage" she stated when a thought suddenly came to her "But since Sunny's brain here is real and already in her head, that would mean-".

Her heart dropped when she realized it.

"We gotta go warn her and the others" she declared as she sprang up and ran out the room.

"Wait up!" he called as he followed her.

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