Ch.32 Pointing fingers

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(Flashback) By the time it was evening, Willow was back in her tower reading over a spell book while munching on a green apple just as Zach entered.

"Here I got your bag of deadly nightshade" he announced as he placed the bag next to her on her desk.

"K thanks" she replied with her mouth full, not bothering to make eye contact.

"So uh, how was your day with Frank?"

"Good" she smiled "The boy sure is something."

Even though she was avoiding eye contact, he could see the dreamy look in her eyes as she thought about Frank.

"You like him huh?" he smirked.

"Uh what?" she quickly said while trying to hide her guilt "I never said anything about liking him."

"Oh you like him alright" he chuckled.

"Shut up" she whined "He's just nice okay? And no one has ever been so nice to me, not even you."

"Hey I'm nice to you" he remarked.

"Not all the time."

"That's because I'm your brother."

She rolled her eyes with a small groan.

"Whatever just get me some more-" she started to say when suddenly a rumble shook the tower as their eyes widen.

"What the hell?" Willow gasped as she looked out her window and was shocked to see purple storm clouds in the sky.

"What's going on?" Zach demanded.

"I gotta go" she growled as she grabbed her broom and flew out the window.

Wondering what was going on, she flew towards Emerald City where she saw the purple clouds spreading quickly above the palace. Once she was close enough, she noticed that Queen Ozma was outside and couldn't stop staring at the sky, wondering why this was happening. As Willow flew towards a tree and climbed onto it, she noticed Emerald and Frank coming out from the palace and heading towards Ozma trying to get her inside.

But when they did a lighting bolt suddenly struck down in front of them causing them to step back, they tried again but they had to step back from another lightning strike. Now Willow assumed that whoever was behind all of this was after Ozma, but who?

She noticed that the 3 were frozen in the area, fearing to move. But at that moment she heard a rumble, and having a bad feeling in her guts that another lightning strike was about to happen, and this time she knew it wasn't going to miss it's target. But what made chills go down her spine was that she noticed that Frank had the same look on his face as he pulled out what appeared to be a small mirror.

Realizing what he was planning on doing, Willow didn't even get the chance to scream at him as he ran in front of Ozma and held the mirror up in front of him just as the lightning bolt struck down on them, hitting against the mirror as a bright flash of light blinded them all. As soon as the light died down, everyone opened their eyes to see the red clouds disappearing, but what made them more shocked was that Frank was gone.

"No" Willow gasped when she didn't see Frank.

Ozma and Emerald who was okay couldn't imagine what had happened to Frank, but on the ground in front of them, Emerald used her scepter to pick up a hero metal that belonged to him that was now burned from the lightning. And at that point Willow flew down from the tree on her broom and landed in front of them.

"Where is he?" she demanded.

Emerald and Ozma just stood there, too shocked to even reply.

"What happened to him?" Willow demanded as her eyes started to water.

"We have no idea" Emerald suddenly replied with a sad look.

"Hey what happened?" everyone turned to see Raven heading towards them.

"Raven?" Ozma said surprised "What are you doing here I thought you went back to Ever After?"

"Oh I just came back because I forgot my charger" she answered while holding up her phone charger "And then I saw the red cloud and I heard a loud lightning strike, is everyone okay?"

"No everyone is not okay" Willow growled as a tear rolled down her cheek, causing her skin to burn as she quickly wiped it away "Frank is gone, because of you."

"Excuse me?" Raven remarked confused.

"Oh come on Raven" Willow snarled "It's so obvious, you did this, the purple clouds and dark magic says it all."

Raven stood there offended, couldn't believe what Willow just accused her of.

"Okay first of all-" she began to say "Just because dark magic was involved doesn't mean I did it. Second of all, you know I'm not evil enough to do something like this. And third of all, I'm not even that powerful enough to do something like this."

"Willow I think she's right" Emerald stated.

"How would you know that?" Willow snapped as more tears started to pour out and burned her skin as she wiped them off "You only met her for one day and you already trust her? Her mother is the Evil Queen for crying out loud! Maybe she had something to do with this!"

"Highly unlikely" Raven put in "My mother's in Mirror Prison and there's no way her magic could of traveled to here."

"Well whatever the hell happened, Frank is gone because of it" she snarled "I don't know what happened to him, for all I know he's most likely dead. And someone, and I mean you Raven, is going to pay for this."

"But I just said I didn't do it" Raven declared.

"Well I'm gonna find that out" she growled "And when I do, no matter if you're guilty or not, I will get him back, not matter what it takes."

And with that she got back on her broom and flew off.

"Don't listen to her" Ozma told Raven "She's always pointing fingers to those she doesn't like, we know you had nothing to do with it."

"Whoever did this had motive at Ozma" Emerald added "And we know you have no motive against her."

"Then who does?" Raven questioned.

"We don't know, but that's what we're going to find out. Hopefully."

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