Ch.37 Poisoned snack

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By the time it had gotten dark and once the animals were taken care of, Bailey and Jacob called it a night as they headed inside where Bailey filled the vase with the bouquet of flowers with water. After that she read over his note and smiled, feeling grateful to have someone like him in her life.

But before she could head out of the kitchen, she began to hear her sheep outside making noises, noises that shouldn't be heard at this time of night.

"You hear that?" Jacob asked while walking down the stairs.

"Yeah why are they acting like that?" she wondered when a thought suddenly came to her as her eyes widen "They don't usually do that unless they sense danger."

Seeing the fear in her eyes, Jacob quickly headed to the door.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

"Gonna check it out" he replied.


But he was already out as she gave a nervous look. Now outside, Jacob used the lights from the house and barn to guide his way towards the barn where the sheep were being heard. After grabbing onto a pitchfork in case of an attack, he quietly headed to the barn where he immediately noticed that it was slightly ajar, clearly remembering that he had closed it earlier.

Now fearing that something or someone had entered, he bravery walked up to the door and peered in. But since there wasn't any light in the barn, he had to use the flashlight on his phone to guide himself in while still clutching the pitchfork in his other hand. As he shown the light around, he noticed that the sheep seemed to be normal and weren't freaking out.

Now confused, he decided to investigate around to see if there was anything that may have caused them to freak out earlier, but to his surprise he found nothing.

"Looking for something?" a voice suddenly spoke causing him to jump as he turned around and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Mary-belle.

"Mary-belle?!" he gasped "What the-? How the-? What are you doing here?"

"What I can't see how my cousin's best friend is doing?" she smirked.

"The truth" he demanded while pointing the pitchfork at her.

"Whoa" she held her palms up in defense "Easy there buckaroo. I don't wanna make this a crime scene."

But he continued to aim the pitchfork at her with a stern look.

"Well you haven't changed a bit" she remarked with a fake smile "How's Lilly by the way?"

"If you're here for her crook you're not getting it" he growled.

"Oh relax, I'm not planning on getting it... she's gonna bring it to me."


At that point she took out a handful of ground up poppy seeds and blew them into his face, causing him to loose consciousness as he collapsed on the ground.


Since the diner was still opened, DG decided she would stay until it was closed as she took her seat at a table with her other haft of a sandwich in front of her. And since she was distracted by her phone, Willow knew this was the perfect opportunity to slip in the poison apple. After peeking from the back room, she put on the Six Leaf Clover and transformed in Lauren, who to her luck, wasn't around at the moment.

Now to find a way to get DG to take a bite of the apple, she decided to present it to her in a way that will get her to eat it. So placing the apple on a cutting board, she used a knife and began slicing it into pieces and placed them on a small serving plate along with a spoonful of peanut butter in the center. Now ready, she gave sneaky smile before heading out and up to DG.

"Would you like some apple slices?" she asked her while in the form of Lauren.

"Oh uh, I didn't order any apples" DG stated.

"I know but you've been here a while, and since we're about to close up soon, I figured you might as well have one last snack before you go. Plus this apple was about to rot so I didn't want it to go to waste. My treat."

Seeing the apple slices and peanut butter, DG began interest.

"I do love peanut butter" she smiled "Thanks."

Willow gave a small smile as she set the plate down and headed into the back room where she transformed back into herself.

"Might as well get the shoes now" she told herself, knowing that DG wouldn't be able to retrieve her shoes once she bites into the apple.

Once she was gone, DG picked up an apple slice and scooped up some peanut butter on it. But before she could take a bite, she suddenly heard someone call her name as she turned to see Zach standing beside her.

"Hey" he greeted with a smile.

"Oh hey" she greeted back with a smile while setting down the apple slice "What are you doing here?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing" he stated as he took the seat in front of her.

"I just needed a place to think, plus they have good sandwiches here."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Everything" she sighed "From Willow to my friends, I've never felt this overwhelmed ever since that big test we had last year."

"Hey I feel you" he agreed in a sigh "I mean I have to deal with my sister everyday, she doesn't even treat me like a brother, more like a servant."

"Ouch" she winched.

"Although I have to admit, these past few days have been the most interesting. Even though I nearly ruined a relationship, and bad things have happened, it was like an adventure for me, and I've never been on an adventure before."

"So does that mean you're completely over Elena?"

"I am" he assured "I mean she's great but, I gotta find someone who's already single, and also doesn't mind me having a wicked sister."

"Well I hope you do" she smiled as he smiled back when he noticed the apple slices.

"Mind if I have some?" he asked.

"Not at all."

He picked up a slice and scooped up some peanut butter.

"These are one of my favorite snacks" he mentioned with a smile as he took a bite "You can't go wrong with apples and peanut butter."

"I know right?" she agreed "Everything's good with-".

But before she could finish her sentence, without warning, Zach suddenly collapsed out from the seat and onto the floor.

"Zach!" DG gasped as she bent down near him to see that he was motionless as she began to shake him "Zach!"

But no response.

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