Ch.48 Shoe box memories

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The next day during her break, Amanda took a seat at a table in the 'Wonder diner' where she was busy knitting a beanie with black yarn. She was so focused on her work that she didn't noticed Leo standing next to her.

"I didn't know you can knit" he spoke as she stopped to look up at him "What you making?"

"A beanie" she answered as he took the seat in front of her.

"It looks nice so far" he commented "Who's it for?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I just make random things and either keep them to myself or give them out as gifts."

"Are you thinking about keeping that one?"

"Well-" she replied just as she finished the beanie "Now that I think of it, I think it'll look nice on you."

And with that she leaned over and placed the beanie on his head letting the back drape like a Smurf hat.

"And it does" she smiled while sitting back down.

"How do I look?" he asked "Sexy?"

"You can say that" she smirked in agreement.

"Can I get you two anything?" Lauren came over as she gave a sneaky grin "Perhaps a smoothie with two straws?"

"Lauren" Amanda whined as Leo began to chuckle.

"Okay fine" Lauren groaned "How about some pie?"

After placing their orders, she took off as Amanda put her knitting tools and yarn into her cat tote.

"So I heard that DG and Zach went on a better date last night" she spoke.

"Yep" he replied with a small smile "I think they're really pulling it off."

"And any news on Willow?"

"Well we still don't know where she is, but all I know is that as soon as we go back to Oz, we're throwing her ass in jail."

"You better" she smirked "And now that she doesn't have magic anymore, it'll be easy to handle her."

"Yeah, but she could still kick ass. I mean I did witness the fight she had with Elena."

"Oh yeah, Aidan showed me the video he took. I had no idea Elena could be badass without magic."

"Pretty sick huh?" he chuckled.

"I'll say" she agreed just as Lauren brought them their pies "So you gonna visit when you go back to Oz?"

"I'll try to, I really enjoyed staying here, it's a nice town."

"It is, but it's not like Ever After."

"By the time you go back to Ever After, will you miss this place?"

"Of course. A lot of stuff happened in this town, and every one of us has changed, mostly for the better. I don't know when we'll break this curse, but I do know that I'm glad I got to live in this town, it's like an adventure for me."

"Well I'm glad you feel that way" he smiled "And hopefully I'll see you again, perhaps at Ever After."

"Perhaps" she agreed in a flirty smile "And maybe I'll get to see you turn into a lion."

"Perhaps" he agreed back and also in a flirty smile.


Once they got back home and after setting her backpack down, Elena went over to the fridge and pulled out an ice pack and placed it on her black eye.

"Oh" she breathed in relief "This feels nice."

"Well you were definitely the talk of the day" Olivia remarked "Everyone couldn't stop talking about your fight with Willow last night. I'm surprised they all found out so fast."

"Well even though Aidan didn't post the video, he did show Hailee and she wrote about it in her blog."

"Oh right. What ever happened to Willow by the way?"

"I don't know. Either she went back to Oz or she's still hiding. But whatever it is, I just hope she got what she deserved."

"Life without magic huh? I don't know what that feels like, but I bet it sucks."

"Oh it does, I mean it's never happened to me before but I know it sucks."

After getting some snacks out, a thought then came to Olivia as she spoke.

"So what did you think of Terrence's surprise?" she asked.

"Well I was not expecting it" Elena giggled "But I loved it, that goes to show that he really does love me and that he saved all of those items that reminded him of me."

"He's so romantic" Olivia commented with a heartwarming smile "And speaking of surprises, he told me that you also have a shoe box containing things of your love. How come I never heard of this?"

"I guess it never came up" she shrugged.

"Well can I see it?"

"Alright" she giggled as she placed down her ice pack and they headed into her room.

Once there, Elena bent down and reached under her bed and pulled out a small shoe box that had been decorated with rhinestones and stickers.

"Wow" Olivia remarked amused "That's a pretty shoe box."

"Well I wasn't gonna leave it plain" Elena stated as they sat on her bed and opened the shoe box.

"Okay-" Olivia smiled "Show me everything one by one."

"Well-" Elena smiled "A lot of the things I put in here are similar to the ones he had in his box."

She then began to take the items out one by one.

"These are the two poems he wrote for me" she explained while holding up the poems "The one from Ever After and the one he gave me with my promise ring."

After setting those down she continued pulling more things out.

"This is a dried up flower from the bouquet he gave me on our first date here in Storybrooke. This is my ticket from the multi hex theater on our very first date at Ever After. I'm surprised I didn't loose it during the curse. This is my now dried up Prom corsage. This is the first song I ever wrote about him. This is the now empty chapstick container that I was wearing the night of our first kiss. This is his gum wrapper that he left at my house, and it still smells like mint. And of course, a photo album of us."

"Awwwwww" Olivia put her hands on her chest with a heartwarming smile "You guys are totally getting married someday."

Elena gave a small laugh while blushing "Well let's see what life gives us."

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