Ch.42 Magic picture

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)

Now back at the farm, Bailey and Mary-belle sat on the bench of the front porch while weaving flowers into crowns.

"I forgot how much I missed making these" Mary-belle remarked "We made so many last time that we had to sell them to strangers."

"We did make good money though" Bailey put in with a smile just as Jacob appeared with more flowers.

"Okay here you go" he sighed while placing the flowers on the space between them "I hope this is the last time I go picking flowers."

"Hey in case you forgot-" Bailey began to say "You picked those flowers for me on your own."

"Yeah that was because I wanted to do that" he put in.

"You still picked them though" she smirked as Mary-belle gave a small laugh "But don't worry, you don't have to go picking more flowers."

"Thanks" he breathed in relief.

"But I do want you to go inside and bring us that pitcher of lemonade."

"Oh come on" he whined "What am I your servant?"

"I'll pay you 20 bucks later tonight."

"I'll be back with the lemonade."

And with that he headed inside.

"Works every time" she smirked.

"Hey uh, quick question" Mary-belle spoke "Did Jacob give you those flowers that I saw in the kitchen?"

"He did actually, he wanted to give me something for being his best friend. It was really sweet of him."

"Are you sure he didn't just do that because he may or may not have a crush on you?" she stated with a sneaky smirk.

"Wait what?" Bailey questioned confused.

"I'm just saying, guys tend to fall for their lady friends. And another thing, last night when he was sleeping on the couch, I heard him mumbling your name in his sleep."

"Seriously?" Bailey's eyes widen.

"I think he likes you" Mary-belle giggled.

Now frozen with astonishment, Bailey placed down the flower crown and got up.

"I'll be back" she announced as she got up and headed inside.

When she entered the kitchen, she saw Jacob added sugar in the lemonade pitcher.

"Oh hey" he greeted when he saw her "I'm adding more sugar cause the lemonade tasted a bit sour."

"Hey uh-" she began to say "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure what's up?"

"Mary-belle told me something funny, she said that the real reason you gave me these flowers is because you like me."

At that point Jacob felt his stomach drop as he froze with his eyes widen.

"So it's true?" Bailey remarked surprised.

"Uh..." he muttered while still paralyzed.

But after a moment of hard thinking of what to say, he gave a sigh and had no other choice but to confess.

"Okay it's true" he admitted in a sigh "Now I know you probably think it's weird because of our age difference. But like I said before, you're my best friend and you've always been there for me. And I guess that's what made me like you."

She gave a small smile "Jacob I'm really flattered, but I don't think it's weird. Things like this happen, although I have to agree on the age difference. I am too old for you, I have to find someone my own age, and so do you."

"I understand" he assured "Hey, crushes happen."

She gave another smile as she went up and pulled him into a hug.

"I don't know what I would do without you" she whispered.

He smiled while hugging back. Even though he practically got friend zoned, it didn't bother him. He was just glad to have someone like Bailey in his life.


By the time it was evening, Elena laid on the couch of her living room as she held up her phone that showed her contact list as she taped on Terrence's name and started to call him.

"Hey-" the voicemail spoke in his voice "Please leave a message after the beep."

She sighed as she left a message.

"Hey Terrence, it's me again. We need to talk. Give me a call when you can."

After hanging up, she gave a sigh while tilting her head back on the arm rest.

"Terrence still isn't answering your calls?" Olivia questioned as she entered the room.

"Not even my texts" she added in a sigh "I don't know if he's busy or he's still pissed at me. I just really need to talk to him."

"Let me try calling him" Olivia offered as she pulled out her phone and began to call Terrence.

"Hello?" he finally answered.

"Oh you're not busy huh?" she remarked with a frown "You answered my call instead of Elena, are you still mad at her?... She's said she was sorry, you don't think she feel awful about this?... Oh no, times up, she wants to talk to you... are you just saying that to avoid talking to her?... Oh, Aidan really is sick... No I get it, don't explain it or I'll get sick just by hearing it. But when can you talk to Elena?... Alright then, don't bail."

And with that she hung up and turned to Elena.

"You can talk with him tomorrow at the diner" she told her.

"Oh boy" Elena sighed "I really hope this works."


In the land of Oz and at Emerald City, with DG and her friends still in Storybrooke, Ozma sat in her throne wondering when they'll come back. It's been days since they left, and they haven't returned.

"Your Majesty" Grace appeared and curtsied "Any news from DG?"

"I'm afraid not" Ozma sighed with sadness "If they don't come back soon, we'll have no choice but to keep her friends locked up. Without evidence, there's nothing we can do."

"Perhaps there's still hope. Maybe we missed a clue, we just gotta dig deeper."

"But the room's already cleaned up, if there was a clue we would of seen it by now."

"Well maybe we can-".

"Ozma!" they suddenly heard Emerald cry out as she hurried to the queen while holding onto a medium size golden mirror.

"Ozma" she panted "Big break in the case!"

"What's going on?" Ozma demanded "And why are you holding the Magic Picture mirror?"

"You know how this mirror can show you anything it's seen?"


"Well this mirror, was in the room Emily was murdered in."

"Wait" Grace's eyes widen "If that was in the murder room, that means it must of seen the murder."

"And that means we can see who killed her" Ozma added in a gasp as she turned to mirror still in Emerald's hands "Show me the night of Emily East's murder."

At her command, the mirror began to show them the vision of the night. And as they watched the scene, all of them couldn't believe their eyes when they were finally shown the murderer who framed the Ozians.

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