Ch.26 Green

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(Flashback) Later that day, in front of the cottage, Tim placed his ax on the sharpener and proceed to sharpen his ax just as Sunny and DG came up to him.

"You really cherish that ax don't you?" Sunny smirked.

"I don't cherish it" he stated "It's just nice to have around."

He then finished sharpening his ax as he ran his tin fingers across the blade.

"Perfect" he grinned.

"Can you do any tricks with your ax?" DG wondered "Like toss it in the air and catch it or something like that."

"I tried something like that, but the last time I did I nearly killed Leo."

"Oo" they cringed.

"Yeah so whenever you see me about to use my ax, you should take a step back" he advised "I don't wanna be blamed for a missing finger."

At that point DG put her hands behind her back with a nervous smile, since she was the only human around, she didn't wanna risk loosing her fingers around Tim.

"Guys!" Leo suddenly ran up to them as he stopped to pant "We got a problem."

"What?" everyone questioned.

"You know that new warlord girl I told you about who's a complete savage? Well she's on her way here right now."

"What?" they gasped.

"Oh no" Sunny's eyes widen "This has to do with my crop isn't it?"

Before anyone could say anything, they suddenly a horse neigh as they turned and spotted a carriage heading towards them. In the carriage was Mary-belle along with a man who stopped the horse in front of them. The Ozians were too frozen to move as Mary-belle gave them a smirk before stepping out with Lilly's crook in her hand.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise?" she remarked with a fake smile "The whole squad is here, awaiting my appearance."

"I'd rather be waiting for the world to end" Sunny frowned.

"Now you" Mary-belle pointed to her "I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Well I've been meaning to avoid you."

Mary-belle gave a frown as she continued.

"Do you have my money yet?" she demanded.

"It's only been 3 days."

"And yet you still don't have it."

"Don't expect me to give you the money immediately" Sunny snapped "My family isn't that rich and we're doing all we can on our crops. Besides, just because you're the new warlord doesn't mean you have to take other people's money with force."

"Uh, that's the point of my job" Mary-belle stated.

"It doesn't have to be like that."

"Well I don't give a damn about your opinion scarecrow. If you don't give me the money by tomorrow, then your family's crop belongs to me and you'll have to live on the streets."

At that point Sunny couldn't take it anymore.

"Why don't I shove that crook up your ass!" she exclaimed.

"Sunny!" everyone gasped as they pulled her away from Mary-belle.

"Look-" DG said to Sunny "Why don't we just go and deal with this later-".

But at that point Mary-belle stabbed the crook into the ground sending a strong force to the group as they fell back and onto the ground.

"I'm sorry" she smirked "But I'm afraid you all can't run away, you're branded now. Since this crook is what my pathetic cousin uses to find her flock, now I can use it to find you all, y'all are now my sheep."

Everyone was full of rage as they watched her climb back into the carriage.

"You got into tomorrow scarecrow" she warned Sunny "Otherwise you'll be homeless. But don't worry, I'll bless your little heart."

"Bless my heart huh?" Sunny grunted as they got back up "I don't even have a heart."

"So what are we gonna do?" Leo questioned "If Sunny doesn't give her the money by tomorrow she'll loose her family's crop."

"Leave that to me" DG offered "I got an idea."


After a while of leaving Prince Frank at Emerald City, Willow rested upon a thick tree branch high above the ground while munching on a green apple with her broom next to her resting against another branch.

"Do you always eat green food?" a voice suddenly asked as she looked down to see Frank.

"It's not the reason why I'm green" she replied as she tossed the core away.

After that she grabbed onto her broom and jumped off the branch and landed perfectly on her feet in front of her.

"Did that hurt?" he questioned with his eyes widen.

"When you're a witch who's always flying around, sometimes you need a method of landing, and no it didn't hurt, because I do it all the time that my ankles are so used to it."

"...Okay?" he said a bit confused.

"Just don't do it, it's easier for people with magic."

"Are you like part cat or something? Since you always land on your feet."

"Some people say that, but unlike cats, I hate fish."

"Same" he agreed as she snickered.

"So how did your meeting go?"

"Okay I guess" he answered with a shrug "All we discussed was my visit and other boring things."

"Uh, shouldn't royalty like you care about boring things?"

"I should, but depending on what it is, I'm usually not interested."

She gave a small giggle as he chuckled.

"And I thought princes cared about everything" she smirked.

"Hey I do care about the important things, but sometimes I just wished I could just kick back, watch a movie, and not have to worry about anything."

"Welcome to my world" she agreed while rolling her eyes.

"What makes you say that?"

"Being the most feared witch of Oz isn't as cool as it sounds. You're always working on your next scheme, even when it's completely unnecessary, you have to deal with the fact that no one is ever going to like you, plus you're green, which makes me even more scary."

"There's nothing scary about being green" he stated "It's just your skin color."

"And yet everyone fears me" she frowned.

"Well look, just because you're green doesn't make you scary. I mean look at me, I'm not scared."

"Why is that?" she wondered "Aren't you afraid of what I could do to you?"

"Well that depends, are you planning on doing anything to me?"

After a moment of thinking, she came to realize it.

"I don't think so" she replied.

"Therefor I shouldn't be afraid" he said with a small smile "And besides, I think green is a nice look on you."

He would of seen her blush if it wasn't for her green tone, but she did feel her heart start to skip again.

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