Chapter 29

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It had been two weeks since Ryker admitted to me that he wanted to find his birth parents and ever since then he had been going crazy just searching and looking for any information he could. I didn't know if it was going to be even possible for him to find them, but I was determined to support him. 


"I think I got a lead." I heard whispered in my ear right when I had just taken a bite out of my sandwich. 

I spit my sandwich in startlement. "You scared the crap outta me Ryker!" 

He gave me a sheepish grin as he sat down, "Sorry. But I really think I found something." 

"Tell me more." 

"Well, I was looking through the files on my adoption and I found some receipt information and a bunch of numbers so I looked up what certain numbers meant and from there I found that each adoption agency has a different number and I think I found the right adoption agency!" He said enthusiastically.

"That's exciting! So what's the next step? " I asked. 

"Contacting the agency." 

I took a sip of my water, "Are you ready for that?" 

His face reflected for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, but I need you with me." He said, his eyes showing his fear. 

I grabbed his hand, my thumb stroking the top of his hand. "Of course. When do you want to do it?" 

"Right after school."


Right after school came quicker than it should have and now Bea and I were sitting in my parked car in an empty parking lot. My phone was in my hands, mocking me for being so nervous. 

"You don't have to do this right now." Bea said reassuringly. "Or you can just call the agency and get a number or address, you don't have to do anything with that until you're ready." 

I looked at her and then my phone. "I have to do this now." I said. 

She squeezed my hand and released it while I quickly dialed the phone number. 

The ringing felt endless as I sat there, my heart beating as hard as it could without pumping right out of my chest. 

"Hello, Children's True Home Adoption Agency how can I help you?" 

Without even thinking I quickly hung up the phone and put it down. 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"I panicked.' I took a deep breath, 'Okay, okay, I'm gonna call again". I said, quickly redialing the number. 

The same voice answered the phone again. This time I was going to do it. "Hello, I am a child of adoption seeking some information." I answered. 

"Well hello there. First of all we want to say it is very brave of you to take this first step. We can't always guarantee we'll have the answers you want but we will try to assist you as best we can. So how can I help you today?" 

"I uh, I want to find some information on my birth parents." I stuttered. Bea squeezed my hand, giving me reassurance. 

"Okay, first things first, I need to ask of your age." 

"I'm 18." I answered. 

"Okay wonderful, as you are now legal to get answers without your guardian's permission. Unfortunately, for confidentiality and security reasons, I cannot answer much over the phone, but I can gladly schedule you an appointment at our office. Would you like to do that?" 

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Yes. Yes I would." 

"Okay, I can schedule you appointment for tomorrow morning, 9:00 A.M.. Does that work?" She asked. 

"Yes, thank you. I'll be there then." I answered, hanging up the phone. 

Bea's blue-grey eyes bore into me expectantly. "So?" She asked. 

"I have a meeting at the agency tomorrow morning. You'll come right?" 

"Of course." She said squeezing my hand tightly. 

Tomorrow, I was going to get some answers. 


"You turn left on this next street." I instructed. 

"Then?" Ryker asked. 

"Then the agency should be on the right." I said. 

Today Ryker and I were heading to the adoption agency to meet with a counselor. I couldn't help but be nervous for Ryker. I had no idea what was going to happen and that scared me. Even if they have information on Ryker's birth parents and Ryker decides he wants to find them what would happen. Would we be able to find them? And then if we found them, what would they be like?

I didn't want Ryker to get hurt or be disappointed. I really wish Ryker had told his parents of the plans but I has to respect his wishes. Most importantly, I had to be there for Ryker and put him first. 

Soon enough, Ryker turned into the parking lot and stopped the car. 

The adoption agency was a small one floor building, with a small front parking lot. "Are you ready?" I asked him. 

He nodded, a determination in his eyes. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this." 

I gave a quick nod and smile, "Okay, let's find out who your birth parents are."

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