Chapter 30

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"Thank you for all your help!" 

"It was all our pleasure. We wish you best in your journey!" The woman waved enthusiastically before turning on her heel and walking back down the hallway. 

Bea and I walked out of the building in complete silence. Only when the doors both shut did both of us burst out laughing. "My journey?" 

She shook her head laughing as we walked back to my car. 

The laughter died as we both got in. "So, what next?" She asked me as I started the car. 

"Well I guess I wanna meet them. We have everything we need to get in contact with them." I replied. 

"Don't you wanna talk to your parents first?" 

"No, definitely not. I need to do this on my own." I said feeling the urge to keep this between us. I needed to meet my birth parents my own way. "Please promise me you won't say anything to them or your parents." I looked over at her. 

"I just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into." She said gently. 

"Bea they're just my birth parents. They're not serial killers! Can't you just support me?" I asked, feeling my frustration rising. 

"I am supporting you! I just don't want you to be let down or hurt." She said, her voice falling. 

I felt bad for getting frustrated with her, I knew she was only worried because she cared. I took her hand and she pulled away. I retook her hand which she allowed. "I'm sorry Bea, I know you just want what's best for me."

"I don't want to nag you I just don't want you to be disappointed." She said. 

"I know and I love how much you care. I just- They kept this from me my whole life and I understand why they thought they needed to do that, but this-this I need to do myself and separate from my parents. I just need you with me." He said seriously. 

She took a deep breath. "Fine. I support you on this. So when do you want to do this?" She asked. 

"Tomorrow. My parents are going away tonight and won't be home until Monday. We'll do it then." 

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