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❖ Name: Bea

❖ Age: 13

❖ How Did You Get Into Writing?: At first I would make a manga. You know, I draw my characters and make speech bubbles for them. Then my friend introduced me to Wattpad and I thought that making stories would be awesome since I am inspired by stories I have read.

❖ What Inspired You?: I've read so many books here in wattpad and some other published books. The best book I have read here in wattpad so far is " The Billion Dollar Girl " and the best published book for me is Harry Potter series and Vicky Bliss Series.

❖ What Are Your Thoughts On Wattpad?: It is a very cool site. You can see other people's works and you can make covers. You can make friends and loads of other things. XD

❖ How DId You Find Wattpad?: My friend told me about it ... :)

❖ Major Turn Offs In Stories: When I get very hooked up in the story and the author doesn't upload too soon. I actually saw one that hasn't updated in months now. Haha. I get really sad. :(

❖ What You like In Stories: When it has a very interesting plot. I love Fantsasy and Sci-Fi with a touch of romance. I also love it when it gains a exciting twist in the story.

❖ Do You Speak or/and write stories in another language? If So, What?: I speak Tagalog. Filipino Language. But I write in English. :)

❖ Have You entered The Watty Awards before?: Nope. Haha. I am not ready. LOL ! XD

❖ Are You entering The Watty Awards this year?: Nope... I upload to slowwwwww....

❖ Favourite genres to write: Fantasy and Romance ! XD

❖ More of an author, reader, graphic designer or critic?: I am more of a graphic designer. Sometimes, the reason I don't get to update my stories is that I am busy making covers. :P

❖ Favourite Authors On Wattpad?: Gotta love RacingHeart and HaveYouSeenThisGirl ! XD

❖ How Many Books Have You Written So Far On Wattpad?: 3 ... :) And none of them is finished... Haha :D

❖ Story You're currently working on?: That Miracle

❖ One of Your Stories: (Title, description, cover, link, trailer etc.) That Miracle (link in external link)

Michelle Carpenters grew up to a poor family. ( not to mention BIG ) But she never lost hope. She patiently waited for a miracle to come. But waiting won't be that easy. She has to deal with family problems and heartbreaks. But what if That Miracle comes in an unexpected time and way, what will she do?

Think. Feel. Interview. | 2012 edition |Where stories live. Discover now