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❖ Age: 13

❖ How Did You Get Into Writing?: I've always loved writing, it's always been either my vent of emotions or just a way that I can loose myself midst of all the characters.

❖ What Inspired You?: To be a writer? I guess I've just always love reading and want to make something just as good as my favorite books.

❖ What Are Your Thoughts On Wattpad?: I love how easy it is for people to read and write their stories. It's also nice that there are many people on here willing to help writers like me become better. I'm using it as a learning experience.

❖ How DId You Find Wattpad?: Through the ourWorld forums, someone posted their story on here as an advertisement, I clicked the link and here I am!

❖ Major Turn Offs In Stories: I hate stories where I already know what happens at the end of the book by just reading the summary. It's boring to read them then. I also hate stories where there is a love triangle (which I don't usually mind) when the heroine doesn't fall for the character I was rooting for. That annoys me to no end and I get my anger out by writing fan fiction where the two end up together.

❖ What You like In Stories: ORIGINALITY! I love stories that have fresh, new ideas and when I read them, I just want to make every other book just like them. My weakness in books are medieval fantasies with a bit of romance, I'll read any book that fits in that category.

❖ Do You Speak or/and write stories in another language? If So, What?: I can't write in another language, but I'm slowly learning German.

❖ Have You entered The Watty Awards before?: No

❖ Are You entering The Watty Awards this year?: I don't plan to.

❖ Favourite genres to write: Fantasy and historical fiction

❖ More of an author, reader, graphic designer or critic?: Author/reader, I guess. I write more than I read though on here (in real life, it's the opposite). I'm not much of a critic, if I say something too mean I feel bad.

❖ Favourite Authors On Wattpad?: irishrose and ironkite

❖ How Many Books Have You Written So Far On Wattpad?: Just one.

❖ Story You're currently working on?: .How the Mighty Have Fallen

❖ One of Your Stories: (Title, description, cover, link, trailer etc.)

How the Mighty Have Fallen (link in external link)

They seem to know everything about me. Where I came from. Who my family is. Who I am. The only thing left secret is my name. To them, I am Periculum, just Periculum, for I am told I am lesser than them. They tell me I am the only one alive.. they tell me to join them. Join their cause. I .. I can't do that.. It's inhuman. Needless to say, they are not human themselves.

Think. Feel. Interview. | 2012 edition |Where stories live. Discover now