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❖ Name: Nikki Jamez

❖ Age: 15

❖ How Did You Get Into Writing?: I got into writing when ideas began popping into my head at night. They just wouldn't go away O_O'

❖ What Inspired You?: Definitely the books I have been reading and t.v. shows.

❖ What Are Your Thoughts On Wattpad?: Wattpad is amazing, better than any other writing sites. It's also the only site I have been on that lets you have book covers. It is also and opportunity for people to get known for the talent they have.

❖ How DId You Find Wattpad?: From a friend. I was going on about the stories I was thinking of writing and she told me about Wattpad.

❖ Major Turn Offs In Stories: Bad grammar. Nothing annoys me more than that. I mean it's okay to make a mistake once in a while, but seriously, some people just want to make our eyes bleed or something -_-'

❖ What You like In Stories: Good plot, humour, great characters that are fun to read about and a positive author.

❖ Do You Speak or/and write stories in another language? If So, What?: Ha! I can't even begin to write the alphabet in my language! Sad, I know. Anyways, even though English is my third or so language, it's the only language I write in.

❖ Have You entered The Watty Awards before?: Nope. I just joined this year.

❖ Are You entering The Watty Awards this year?: Hopefully, if I finish my story.

❖ Favourite genres to write: Romance and Teen Fiction.

❖ More of an author, reader, graphic designer or critic?: I'd say an author and a reader.

❖ Favourite Authors On Wattpad?: I don't have any yet.

❖ How Many Books Have You Written So Far On Wattpad?: I currently have two up.

❖ Story You're currently working on?: Put Up With Me.

❖ One of Your Stories: (Title, description, cover, link, trailer etc.)

Title: Put Up With Me

Hailee Evans is a troubled girl. With a half crazy mother, a millionaire father who wants nothing to do with them, and a careless brother, Hailee is lost. She had been moved round for the last six years of her life, all in the hopes of starting over. Now, being sent over to live with her uncle, Chris, in New York, she is not quiet ready to start over just yet. Until she meets Adam Taylor, a guy who has similiar problems. But unlike her, he is ready for change. And now, as they get to know each other better, Hailee finds out that Adam isn't who he appears to be. And the secret he is hiding from Hailee could shatter her heart and leave her completely broken... So what happens when Hailee finds out? Will she push him away and save herself from the pain? Or stay by his side and hope for the best?

Hope you guys read :)

Think. Feel. Interview. | 2012 edition |Where stories live. Discover now