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❖ Name: Sophia Laney

❖ Age: 20

❖ How Did You Get Into Writing?: I started writing in middle school. My friends kind of got me into it. We were always creating stories.

❖ What Inspired You?: Anything really. Movies, books, music, even pictures.

❖ What Are Your Thoughts On Wattpad?: A really cool site for writers. A very few sites for writers too. This site helped me improve on my writing.

❖ How DId You Find Wattpad?: On accident. I was just searching the web for a good website for writers and came here.

❖ Major Turn Offs In Stories: Cliches plot, cliche characters and telling the readers and not showing them.

❖ What You like In Stories: good character development, uncommon plots, a lot of description, good pacing, good plots, and of course good grammer and spelling.

❖ Do You Speak or/and write stories in another language? If So, What?: No. I only write in English.

❖ Have You entered The Watty Awards before?: No.

❖ Are You entering The Watty Awards this year?: Probably yes. I would like to enter the awards. I haven't decided yet.

❖ Favourite genres to write: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror, Science Fiction.

❖ More of an author, reader, graphic designer or critic?: I'm more of an author and reader than any other.

❖ Favourite Authors On Wattpad?: have to be at the moment KaylehDelRomano and Ctyolene.

❖ How Many Books Have You Written So Far On Wattpad?: 4 books but they all are not completed yet.

❖ Story You're currently working on?: Devour, The Desert Dream, Euphoria (which will be coming up soon.) and Sunshine.

❖ One of Your Stories: (Title, description, cover, link, trailer etc.) Sunshine (link in external link)

How could anyone find hope in world that is infested with zombies? The people you know are either dead or are walking the streets as an undead; a zombie. That's what Gretchen had to deal with. With the help from her older brother and best friend, she will find the courage to keep fighting and living another day. She will find what it means to actually live.

Think. Feel. Interview. | 2012 edition |Where stories live. Discover now