Chapter 15

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(Elisa's pov)
I looked at Azlin and asked why she looked at me and said, "I haven't been my gargoyle self in years and I don't want the others to know. Jade will be turning 5 on Thursday that is when her gargoyle side will start showing I can't let the others know." I now understand and said, "Ok but if there is anything you need I'm here I don't care if your not my real cousin but your still my family and friend." Azlin gave me a hug and we left Eclipses shop and went to the clock tower but Jade cried and I saw her nails starting to turn to claws and Azlin held her and said, "I'm taking her home and keeping her there till her phasing is over, tell the guys she is sick with something they can catch."
(Azlin's pov)
I ran home and unlocked my home and stayed with my angel, she laid her head on my lap and whimpered. It broke my heart but I rubbed her head and said, "I promise in one more day this will be over and I will teach you everything about being a gargoyle." She weakly told me ok and went to sleep and I watch over her changes and made sure no one would hurt my little girl.
-----A few weeks later----
(Goliath's pov)
Azlin and Jade haven't came back to the tower and I was worried even if Jade is sick hopefully she is better soon, Elisa arrived and told us the same information about hem but her device went off and she left to speak to the person. But she soon came back and said, "Azlin just called and is upset because Jade is gone, she told me she left to get her something to eat when she saw the balcony door opened. We have to help her she's on her way here and she says she found claw marks and a foot print."

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