Ch 59 Brother Wolf

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I enjoyed Sister's laughter as she ate the meat we had roasted on sticks over the fire. I couldn't help glancing at Mac, poking a potato out of the coals. His military mind had me wondering what plans he had made that he hadn't told me.

"I can't believe you had pizza last night Sister!"

Pizza, stacks of them, delivered by helicopter, arranged by Mac. And he expected me to believe he had a sack of potatoes under all those shorts.

She pointed to Mac. "And I waved to dad and everything! Mom didn't come up to see me though."

Despite her joy at being with the wolves of our pack, she was beginning to get homesick for her mother.

"Well now, Lil' Sis, one way to get her up here maybe is to, a, rescue you," Mac suggested.

"From what?" Sister demanded indignantly. I was wondering the same thing.

Mac nervously rubbed his hand through his short, buzzcut hair.

"Yes, Mac, from what would she need rescued?" I asked.

"She don't need rescued, not a fierce she-wolf like her, uh-uh," he said shaking his head vehemently. "But, a, like in a story. I just, uh, thought maybe a helicopter ride down might be easier..." he said sheepishly, "and, uh, more fun?"

I grinned at his discomfort, how the hard facade of the warrior turned to mush when it came to taking care of Sister. I think Mac was more smitten with her than I was! I looked questioningly at Sister.

"What do you think Sister? Attacked by wolves hoping to overthrow their king? The Luna whisked away by the king's private guard?" I glanced behind her at my omega who, I had no doubt, would like to do just that.

"No, I have a better story." She turned to Mac. "Only if you think you can actually get her on a helicopter. I don't think you can so I'll just have to climb down the mountain...on my own!"

She glared at me and Lone Wolf, daring us to say she was riding down the way she rode up, on the back of the big wolf.

Mac just pulled out his phone.

"What time?"

"In the morning, after breakfast," I said, trying not to grin at how Sister had trapped herself. As long as her mother was on that helicopter in the morning, she was off the mountain without physically straining herself.

I took her hand, keeping her from complaining.

"You enjoy arriving like the royalty you are, being flown in like a superstar. I'll finish up here, meet you for dinner tomorrow night."

"Can we eat pasta tomorrow, or seafood?" Mac almost pleaded.

Sister and I both giggled at Mac.

"Don't you know us dam..."

Mac physically tackled her, clamping his hand over her mouth, fumbling with his phone. Sister's eyes got big, moving out of Mac's grasp and pushing her way into my side.

"Hello? Sorry, dropped my phone there. Yes m'am, all arranged. You can come up, gather her up, wave to thank this group of guys, um, wolves... yes m'am... yes m'am... uh-huh, will do, yes m'am."

Mac tucked his phone away, not even letting Sister say hi to her mom.

"That was damn close Lil' Sis! You trying to get me in trouble, talkin' like that?"

"You hung up all ready?"

I had to hold Sister back. "Sister, he helps Good Mother keep her promise to us, to let you go, so you can be who you are while you are here. Do not be too mad at him. It will be good for you to remember that in your mother's den, she is alpha. Here, you are most definitely alpha."

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