Ch 55 Alpha Tammy

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Video is a short clip about a few micro nations. Had to throw one in there somewhere. I actually attended this conference as a citizen of a micro nation 😜

"Once I was merely known as Alpha Tammy, then I met Brother. His full name is Brother to All Wolves. I became Sister, Sister to All Wolves. Together we rule The Wolfpack Micro-nation. I am it's female Alpha. I named Brother the king of all wolf packs who join us. It's cunning, how we plan on using it now, and you have Anna to thank for helping set things up right."

Sister, storyteller that she was, made a dramatic sweep of her arm toward Anna, who gave a little head nod. Mac stood with his arms across his chest. Lone Wolf, not far from him, had his head held at the same angle. I wondered if they knew how in-sync they were, man and wolf, as I watched them shift their weight at practically the same time.

"Now you all have a social media platform where you can stay in touch with each other," Sister said excitedly. "You aren't alone anymore! You can make friends in other packs! It's going to be so great for everyone to be able to talk to other people just like you, people who can understand what it means to be a werewolf! Now, like any nation, there are rules! We take them seriously too!"

I had a feeling many of the wolves present had no idea what she was talking about, except in the most general terms. Some were pacing uneasily, others stayed huddled in their small groups.

I had to smile to myself. I couldn't help compare the actual wolfpacks I saw gathered with the packs in Sister's stories where werewolf packs numbered in the hundreds. Of course, I had no idea how many wolves had been left at home. When I considered what Lone Wolf told me of Max's set up, some packs might indeed number in the hundreds.

"First you have to understand that Spirit Wolf is the true Alpha of all wolves. Our values are the best values from both wolves and men. The tight family bonds of a wolf pack, the compassion and wisdom of men... these are the things we value! We don't purposely hurt others like... ohhh! Like you've been hurt!"

Sister walked forward slowly toward the first wolf I fought. He was being goaded forward by the second wolf I fought. Short memory on that one, I thought. The second wolf noticed my more dominant stance and backed up, practically slinking as he moved further away from me.

Mac suddenly pulled Sister back.

"You hang on a sec Lil' Sis. You!" Mac said to the marked up wolf as he threw a pair of shorts toward him. I noticed the second one was already wearing shorts, hiding the gouges I made in his manhood.

Sister politely turned her back, perhaps only to keep from having to deal with Mac who kept moving his bulky self to block her view.

"Ok, Lil' Sis, he's ready for you."

Mac stayed close, as did Lone Wolf. I stood behind her since they left no room next to her, curious about how she'd react.

Sister turned around slowly. When she leaned for a moment against Mac, I grew worried that the emotions from this encounter might be too much for her, but I had no way to shield her from them.

I focused on that second wolf. His actions tonight earned him a second confrontation with me. I felt myself shift, moving around Mac to keep him in my sights. My slight growl when I stopped had the whites of his eyes showing. He moved further back, and when I stepped forward again he let out a yelp and took off running.

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